- Good luck at that. I doubt you’ll last long.
- What? By the…by the why? I’m fairly certain you mean ‘by the way,’ but given your post history consisting mostly of gibberish, I can’t be positive.
- All-Brawl is simply Brawl with all items and stages in play. It can be played either online or offline. However, anyone who plays online should just go ahead and make an account on some joke site like All is Brawl or Nintendo Hub where they have “online ladders” full of people who make a point to abuse the one-second input lag as much as possible.
I don’t know what gibberish is. And yeah, I already edited it to “way”.
What I was trying to ask is if the tournaments played were offline or online.
Actually, All-Brawl is Keits’s ruleset. Am I wrong? If I make a ruleset similar to that of Keits, all items, all stages, with 3 stocks per round… Can I call that All-Brawl? or my rules should have another name? :wgrin:
I wll get my Wii and Brawl on Christmas. I can run tests and small tournaments at best… Online tournaments… well… that may be possible too… much more possible…
Well, look. I’ll give you this piece of advice. Don’t run an online tournament. No one worth knowing will take you seriously. Organize as many locals as you can and build up the reputation as the local hero.
I need challengers, wherever I can get them…
It’s obvious that I prefer offline tournaments, but there is a lack of serious smashers in Buenos Aires. By the way, I am panamenian, but I am here in Argentina studying Game Development. When I go to Panama (I can just go for 2 months), I can play a lot with interested people. And there are also many good smashers and tournaments already. In Panama, a Wii is 300 USD. Here in Bs As it is like 600 USD. it is ridiculous. So, few people have Brawl, and sadly, few people take smash seriously. I went to a tournament of a local nintendo group. Many had the wii and smash. And I still won without much difficulty. So I look at the international scene via online. I hope someday online matches get as smooth as offline ones. :hitit:
I met a group of people who play fighting games like Capcom vs Snk 2, Street Fighter, Guilty Gear and Smash. They still don’t have a wii, but as I take mine to them next year, I hope we can do some nice Brawl tournaments and test some rulesets. I think it will be hard to convince them for item play but I will try to have both styles, item and no-items. I hope it works out… :rolleyes:
I will soon go to Panama for Christmas, January and February, and with the game in my hands, wifi, and a couple of nice friends, I will improve even more. I hope I can have an online challenge with some of you. :china:
Why the hell would I want to force Sudden Death if I was a stock up? I’d want to kill that bama and be done with the match because I have an extra stock to play with.
Brawl is balanced defensively; i.e. you can turtle almost indefinitely with no risk of death with many characters, particularly Bowser, Marth, and Metaknight using their up-B out of shield, and Pit/ROB ledgecamping.
Lets say you’re a stock and a half down, you’ve landed maybe 3 hits, and you use Lucas. There’s one minute left in the match.
Your choices are:
Approach and fight it out,
Turtle, dodge items, and try to land 1 PK Fire in Sudden Death.
I don’t see how this encourages competition or makes the game good at all. Obviously the more skilled player will win sudden death more often, however, some characters like Pit have no reason to even fight you ever, because he can ARROW YOU OFF THE STAGE IN SUDDEN DEATH, and this works on all characters.
So Pit is picked more often, and genuine attempts to win are made on the stage until someone loses a stock, in which case we turtle behind our arrows, side B, shield, and mirror shield for the last minute or so and then go ahead and win 80% of those vs. no-projectile characters and even characters like Luigi and Peach who have projectiles and reflectors and whatever.
The problem is Sudden Death occurs only when there is no stock advantage.
If you have a stock advantage, less than 30 seconds remaining, and your opponent isn’t 100%+, it’s probably better to attempt to keep that advantage rather than finish off your opponent, simply because the time remaining wouldn’t be enough to STOP SD, meaning you give them a chance to win regardless of the pounding you gave them prior.
Meanwhile, if you’re a stock down and running out of time, your goal is to attempt to enforce SD aggressively, not defensively. The only time the losing side will ever try to run for SD is if they’re on the same stock and nearing death while their opponent is not. It’s still a risk, but sometimes risky maneuvers can pull out the win when in normal cases (and theory fighter) they shouldn’t. This is true regardless of what game you’re talking about.
Yeah Techno, I don’t think you are thinking this through correctly. Cynt’s reply is 2nded here. I’ve heard the very same ‘doom prophesy’ you just laid down 100 times, and its never worked out that way in actual play. Theory fighter will only take you so far. Join or run an all-brawl event and try to win this way and find out for yourself.
I also haven’t seen it happen before, sudden death sucks but its better than the 12+ min campfests I have seen, plus if you are accually beating a person by a decent margin like was implied earlier it normally will not run over the time, and no amount of turtle can save you, trust me I know someone who tries to do this alot, it doesn’t work very well. And thats without items with items glide tossing and the whole having items makes the game more offensive making it even more difficult I also don’t see it becoming a problem and if it is only in like 1 match out of a couple thousand.
What happened to this movement? I think something like this is viable since I tried experimenting with it. Actually had fun with Brawl with this ruleset, I wouldn’t mind playing All-Brawl matches with anyone. In fact, wish I had something like this in my area .
TvC/SF4/STHD happened.
among other things…
I personally do not wish to argue about this. I do not want this to be a curse based conversation.
There is a reason why when you bring up items, smashboards people, such as myself, don’t even pay attention.
I just want you to respond to a few certain things.
Lets say you use, I don’t know, Wario, and I use Metaknight. I win the first round, you win the second round, and then we get Hyrule. I take a stock, and then I start planking the edge, if you come at me with an item, I glide to the other side of the stage…when you come over, I glide back down. It will take you way too long to get to where I am and you lose, due to stocks. Let’s not forget that you do not need to use a smashball when you get it. I believe that once you grab a smashball, outside of it being hit out of me, it takes 30 seconds for it to dissapear. If you approach too quickly. I just Up air, or use the smashball.
If you don’t approach, I win due to stocks. Is this fair? -
This is also possible with other characters. Take for instance Rob. There is a reason why at the majority of tournaments, huge stages are banned. A Rob/Sonic on New Polk City, Skyworld, and Hyrule really should not lose. Just see how long Rob’s glide toss is and Rob’s use of items.
One of your responses was that this isn’t a discussing on whether items are broken. This is the main discussion, outside the stages. The reason why we avoid items is because there are a bunch of characters that get either really worse or really better with Items. Metaknight, Pit, Sonic, and Rob would rule the tournament scene due to their overpowered glide tosses and/or camping ability.
Please tell me how items do not increase the chance of a luck win, or a luck loss.
I do not wish to turn this into a flaming war. I just want responses.
You’ll probably not get any you’re looking for 'cause, quite frankly, it’s been done to death. The hypothetical doom prophecies never panned out the entire duration we attempted to prove the validity of all items/all stages to your community, and in fact, some of them (like your runaway MK example) were proven to be quite ineffective. I’m merely responding to nip this in the bud before the mass of rage comes in and starts linking to the SEVERAL long threads you can find on this very Brawl board (if you actually took the time to look and read) to see why the conclusion had come on our side that the bannings were ludicrous and way too premature.
Seriously, I said I would not flame. I read this entire topic, and the smashboards topic. The topic was asking whether this was the future competitive version of smash. Even I would personally try this but it will take the smash community as a whole to understand this. I would like to give an example, directly from the smashboards discussion.
Also, if you have not realized, people will camp to win in brawl. And yes, if you say that people can learn how to avoid items.
Lets say this version of smash picks up, and people start playing it. Top level people will still learn how to dodge these items, and just grab the edge, and plank with Metaknight.
The competitive smash community dislikes items. We feel that it includes luck. Have you taken a chance to see the Smashboard’s version called Competitive item standard play. This is the in between of no items and a few amount of stages and this.
Camping fails with items in play. You can’t camp something that isn’t static. You can, however, CONTROL the stage, in which case, you deserve the items you get. By camping, you lose out on a great deal of items coming into a range in which you can get to first. Meanwhile, the one not camping pretty much has full reign over the rest of the stage. Then it’s a matter of sacrificing said control to get any items that drop. And yes, while randomly placed, still spawn closer to a player than not, and at a very predictable interval. And then there’s— …like I said, I could repost everything that was said in the last half-dozen threads regarding this, but I’m not going to. I’ve given up trying to convince that community one-by-one and frankly, it’s jaded me and the rest of those here that were interested in Brawl at launch to the point where I can barely enjoy the game anymore.
You do realize that when people grab the edge, there are invincibility frames (which is the reason why planking works). Also, do you know that the majority of items have low priority. Metaknights neutral air stops virtually every item on the ledge, outside of bombs, dekunuts, smashballs, and if the MK times it wrong, a hammer/golden hammer.
If you approach with a hammer, i float to the other side, and just wait for the hammer to run out. If a smashball appears, my priority nets me it. Its a cause and effect scenario, just like normal brawl.
Why do you think the smash community bans excessive planking
Little Edit:
As I said before, I am personally not against an items format, its just that certain items are that broken. Please see as I said, The Competitive Items discussion. We have a rule set that complements both styles of play
There’s only one series of attacks that reliably cracks a smashball in one hit, and good fucking luck seeing ROB go half-screen to do it in time for someone else to intelligently play keepaway with it until they can break it.
Secondly, hammers blow. More often than not, people picking them up get owned for it, even if they ARE the good variants, because they’re that pathetically easy to punish. Not avoid. PUNISH.
Finally, you’re coming from a 4 stock/8 minute/time decides mindset. This is the first problem. 2 stock, 3 minutes, sudden death decider really changes this. Especially when it was discovered that SD bob-ombs were EASILY catchable. Player runs and hides? Risks dying to a smash ball, an explosive, a pokeball, an assist trophy, hell, even things like a cracker launcher, spring, and hothead make their life miserable if they wanna continue that trend. If they can actually hang on without dying in 3 minutes time? Now they have to deal with SD and massive bob-omb dodging. Yes, even off the ledge. Why? ‘cause anyone that gets even remotely used to SD will start grabbing those bob-ombs and start chuckin’ 'em at you.
You said 4 stock 8 minutes…it is 3 stocks. If it was 4 stocks, every match would end in sudden death. Its brawl and brawl is that campy. Seriously, if you are going to bother going against our rules, learn our rules before.
It is possible. And, as mentioned before that 2 stocks and 3 minutes promotes camping if you take a lead. And, I said for someone to camp…AFTER…they kill someone. Lets not forget that Metaknight has by far the best control of the stage, the best priority, quick moves which can break a smash ball incredibly easily (See Metaknights neutral air or Nado), and one of the best glide tosses in the game. A metaknight on the edge if played pefectly is not approachable. Lets say a Metaknight kills a link user within the first minute of the match, on New Polk City. I run around, if you approach, I rising tornado. You wait for a bomb. I infinite dimension cape to dodge or just run away.
You aren’t banning anything in this rule set. I infinite dimension cape and stall the entire round. And yes, the infinite dimension cape is incredibly easy to use.
Also, your Rob comment. Rob’s full laser instantly destoys the smashball. I don’t need to approach
This will be the last time respond for the very reason I didn’t want to in the first place. You might wanna check post dates on these before you go spoutin’ your mouth.
Ho noes, I recalled rules from when I actually gave a fuck about this game a year and a half ago and missed the stock by ONE. I guess I fucked up. Kill me.
If the MK can keep a runaway game going long enough to win via timeout, he deserves the win. End of story.
This. This right here. Look at the post date of the rules. Odd, it looks like it came around JUST when IDC was in its infancy. Fancy that. Then… wait a minute, look at that, people here stopped giving a fuck about this game shortly after! Holy shit, I wonder why they never banned it. :rolleyes:
And that’s entirely situational. There are a lot of ways that it can be broken situationally. I never said that. ROB, however, has the only reliable setup (u-air to u-smash) that doesn’t require a particular series of events to come into place first (a fully charged laser + direct line of sight in your example).
That said, I will once again refer to the MANY many posts made over the course of the Evo 2k8 period of experimentation in which these very arguments were brought up (over and over again, mind you) and refuted until we were blue in the face. If you don’t want to do so, please, feel free to post another doom prophecy. I’ll let someone else waste their time. I’ve done more than my share, and I can’t even stand the game anymore.