Kazuya Gem Loadout

Has anyone found any gems that work best for kazuya or do you think that gems should be discussed later when we start getting into matchups?

I have 181 Harmonize Lv. 1, 048 Iron Wall Lv. 2, 135 Divine Speed Lv. 1.

I play more of a rush, offensive game with him. Though my Harmonize has never been activated. I might switch it out.

I play Kazu as second, and i found the 20% damage gem -10% speed plus a regular 10% power. then a 10% speed gem. I forget all of my conditions but there hitting with normal and special moves. i run ken first and after a H.tatsu ending combo send kazu iin for a bar to extend it and get as many hits as i can. It instantly turns him into even more of a monster after 1 1/2 combos or so and can spell game over for a lot of the lower health characters after a single mix up

I don’t have the game yet so I can’t test. Someone has suggested in the general Kazuya thread that the Mist Step itself counts as a special. This has not been confirmed.

I’m interested in something with Onslaught Gem #220. Which is a meter gem that requires you perform a reversal to activate it. Can someone check if you can activate it with a ‘reversal’ Mist Step out of the block stun of a fireball from across the screen?

yes, this works. I just tested it out in training mode

Sweet! Thank you.

I just give him the meter boost and damage boost when my partner uses a launcher, I lock them in the corner, score a launcher and then rape.

Using 19 - immense lower lvl 1 and 301 ex iron wall lvl 2

When I tag Kaz in that’s when the fun starts.

I use Power gems for Kaz right now as my plan is to have him tagged in to dish out the dirt and doing a truck load of damage in the process.

I got 2 Gem Loadouts you guys can tryout (similar to ones i’ve posted before). Feed back is always welcome.

On Point:
Immense Power lv.1 Connect 3 special moves
Immense Power lv.2 Connect 4 special moves or Immense Power lv.1 land 5 normals
Onslaught lv.2 Connect 4 special moves or Onslaught lv.1 Connect 3 special moves.
Total Boost: 20-30% in Power, 20-40% in C.Gauge Boost.
Notes: Kazuya can fit multiple specials in a single combo making activating these Gems easy and second nature. The C.Gauge boost is there to help Kazuya build meter to extend combos or to make more offensive or defensive options available.

Immense Power lv.1 Partner Connects with a Luncher
Immense Power lv.1 Connect with 3 special moves
Immense Power lv.2 Perform a Super Art.
Total Boost: 20-40% in power.
Notes: To max out his boost combo damage, this loadout will make Boost Combos into Super very effective. Kazuya can’t activate the second immense power lv.1 during the boost combo but the next hit confirm/mix up can insure that it does.

I am using fortitude gems on my Kaz and Ryu, I can live longer. Because I play very aggressively I take damage in order to get in.

I like the 20% power gem activated by super for Kazuya. It does a good chunk of damage, and the animation is quick enough so that it remains active for the following mixup.

I also like to give his partner the “boost when partner does a launcher” gem as Kazuya chains are some of the best in the game.

I have (I believe):
lv 1 launcher connect (power) + lv 2 meter + defense (connect 4 specials) gems on Nina (point character)
lv 1 launcher connect (power) + lv 2 meter + damage (connect 4 specials) gems on Kazuya.

Game plan is to play footsies with Nina and land some of her bnbs (which have 3-4 specials). A good way through the match, I should have a good chunk of meter. If I boost combo to Kazuya, I can go for a 3 EWGF combo. That means the next special (usually an ex slaughter or EWGF) I land = :badboy:

I don’t play with this account much though (since I play without gems 99% of the time).