Kayo Police is a... guy

There are plenty of good Viper players I am sure, but they didn’t get half the attention or have a thread dedicated to them even if it is this thread. Not taking anything away from anyone’s skill, except for maybe their reading comprehension. Yeah I mean you.

Yea true. The news isn’t that big of a deal as I said b4. I do like how the news put some insecurities on blast though.
That kinda stuff is fun to read.

Well, these were your own words:

Anyone: any person; anybody.

Your statement is false because I knew Kayo was a Viper player and I watched a couple videos without knowing nor caring if Kayo was male or female. While your statement is false, you can say that there exist those that know about Kayo because Kayo pretended to be a girl, but I think many are over-reacting.

I actually respected Kayo police as a Viper player as that is who I mained in Vanilla.
So I seen alot of YT Viper’s play.

My opinion still hasn’t change. I respect the other Viper players as well.

Did I respect her more when people thought she was a female? Not too much.
Others did however. Gender is not even a factor in a good player IMO.

I was surprised initially by the news though as everyone was.
I do admit, the reaction of others overall is quite funny at times.

I got no problen with the dude being gay

i am just lol’ing at the guys wanting to hit it. Either they are unwittingly gay or are gay.

I mean the booty warrior lives in you all. Sure you get shit dick and if you do hit it doggy you feel balls smack balls lol atleast give kayo a reach around.

It is just hilariois how many fall into the trap and go with it.

Like that show where thiz tranny tricked dudes and it was a bachelor(ette?!) situation. At the end they chose 1 dude and he could choose money or the pre-op tranny and chose dick over 50 grand.

Yeah, you right, I overstated that. The reason MOST people even give a shit about this dude is because he pretended to be a bitch. How is that fucker? :rofl:

Also how do you give respect to a person that willingly deceives others for their own benefit? Everyday I wake up and ask myself what world do I live in cause this aint Earth.

uhhh, girls hate each other. one less girl = more attention to their accomplishment of being a girl in a predominately male community. it’s not about winning competitions for girls. Kayane posts on this site (i’m pretty sure she has an account. i’m not stalking her so i’m not 100% :wonder:), won girls tourney at EVO and got pretty far in the regular tourney. how many girls do you think ask her or Burnyourbra (who got 2nd in women’s tournament) for advice?

Damn, SRK is actually pretty freakin seriously prejudice to people, too, not just games.

SRK majority populous needs to grow the hell up.

Dude how many times are you gonna post in this thread saying the same shit? We get the idea, you’re real progressive dawg

That’s what you get when the majority of them are SFIV fans…I take it most of her fans are taking this pretty hard…

As for this topic, Man this topic here is major complicated. Some people really just don’t care too much of gender I suppose and go for looks and appearance.
Some find her attractive even though it is a guy. Some find her more attractive because of that.

Does this make them full blown gay? Too complicated for me to answer.

I got no problem with it. That is their thing.

On a personal note, I wouldn’t mind meeting her. Heck I get an autograph while I am at it. But I would pass on hitting it though.

Sorry about repeating myself, I got a real bad habit IRL of doing that. I gotta work on that.

Possibly in more ways than one which is accounting for a little of the butthurt. :wink:

Was not familiar with this person before, but revealing something like that ANYWHERE, Japan or America, takes balls (pun not really intended). Nothing but respect for her.

I am shattastar.

Yo wait, what, Kara Leung is a guy?


This is the funny part of this whole thing.

SRK has turned the finding of a hot, good, female gamer into a game of Where’s Waldo. With Kayo, people thought they had found her, only to find out we’re on that page of the book where it’s a ton of fake Waldos and only one real one. Keep trying guys. But rememeber, you need to find the Wizard and the scroll too.

you spelled wrong your name dawg

Kayo Police should’ve taken up amateur photography and asked 2chan to send him to Evo as JP media coverage before his secret was revealed.

Not according to Evo.