Kattobi inputs

I read an article about ryu having a fwd MK kattobi cancel but I have not been able to do it at all. Can anyone help me on this one?

well, there’s always the wiki and the youtubes.
also wikiagaming/streetfighter.

Ryu doesn’t have a kattobi, unless you mean karaing his f. MK into RH hurricane to get across the screen faster with V-ISM activated. You sure you don’t mean Zangief?

only few characters has Kattobi cancel, you should cancel a normal attack in the first few frame into VC.

Akuma: Dive kick
Chun-li: DF+HK
Dhalsim: D+K or P in the air
Guy: DF + HK
Rolento: F+MK
Zangieff: F + MP

What exactly is the point of Kattobi Canceling?

EDIT* Aside from Gief <.<