I think so.
anyway, that is very respectable damage for a non-meter, no-assist, no baroque combo from anywhere on screen. Could you make it a bit more powerful by using a 623C at the end instead of a j.5C?
I think so.
anyway, that is very respectable damage for a non-meter, no-assist, no baroque combo from anywhere on screen. Could you make it a bit more powerful by using a 623C at the end instead of a j.5C?
Yes, you can, but 623C doesn’t do knockdown =/
I just did 28 hits / 17 968b with a 623C finisher (no BBQ, no assist, no super) and you can do it anywhere.
Edit : 32 hits and 19 368 damage… dunno if you can do 20 000+ \o/
Apparently Karas can still do his slide loop. I wonder if you might be able to slide someone a few times before comboing into overhead bounce?
Dunno. I was able to do it in CGoH but the timing is really harder in UaS… I can do it sometimes but it’s not in the corner. I think you can’t do it in the corner.
BTW, I just did 20 197b (again with no assist etc)
I tried a couple of times and couldn’t do it.
I think the slide loop keeps your opponent to close to the ground for the wallbounce to connect, maybe it’s possible, but I couldn’t…
Also, for some reason, I get swordspin A LOT instead of kasha when trying to do the slide loop, it happens a lot more than it did on CGoH…
Even if it’s possible, there’s a possibility it’s just too hard to be reliable.
I’ve been using combos into C(first hit) into chain and 236+C and going to wallbounce from there for good damage
my current b&b is 2A 5B 2B 5C (1 hit) chain > 236 + C 2B 5C Kasha > Yoinagi > Yashaguruma 5AAA 5B 5C Kasha 3C ^ j5a j5a j5b ^ j5b j5b 623C
I’m trying to think of a way to fit assists in for better damage. While ryu or morrigan type assists are obvious, I believe you could do better with a tekkaman assist after the second kasha.
I have a treat for you guys when I finish these combos that I’m working on. One of them are so hard and stupid that you should NEVER try it in tournament because the likelihood of pulling it off 100% in tournament is extremely low and you’ll probably screw yourself over if you mess it up. I hope the damage works out, I’ve been trying it so far for about 3 days and I’ve never done it completely…
Frustrated - I approve. Once I saw that the 5C into chain did more damage than a 5C (both hits) Kasha, I realized I should always start my combos from the chain because it pretty much leads to the same thing. After the Kasha stagger the opponent is gonna be lifted in the air anyway…so why not? A bit more damage is always better. I guess the 5C both hits into Kasha is useful for an easy level 3… but yeah I suggest you guys get in the habit of making all of your combos start with the chain. The damage is a lot better and it ALWAYS puts your opponent in the corner which is where you want them to be as Karas.
If you fuck up and get hit AND happen to have 2 bars…BOOM Megacrash - which you can combo off of…
Karas’ pressure game and frame traps are ridiculous (especially with certain assists), although not so safe anymore due to the bulky frames they added to him.
You can land any and every combo that Karas possesses in the corner, not to mention the wakeup potential for resets is a lot more simple. If they roll back INTO the corner or neutral wakeup, you can mix them up with IAD B/C or whatever, if they roll back that’s even easier because now you can phase through them (66) for a cross up along with your assist for hitstun + confusion.
Austra - I get swordspin sometimes too but when randomness like that happens I turn on my keys in the game options to know wtf I’m doing wrong. In your case it sounds like when you’re sliding your stick from 1 to 6, you’re inadvertently passing through 236, which of course is the input for the swordspin. Try going 1-5-6 or at the very most 1-2-5-6. That way you avoid the 3 and you will never do a swordspin when you don’t want it.
What’s the timing on the Yoinagi and Yashaguruma? I can’t seem to nail the wall bounce without dropping the combo and if that happens they have the opportunity to block :shake:
Another thing you guys might find useful. for a bit more damage you can add a 2C into the mix after the chain. It combos very nicely into Kasha.
I still can’t get that overhead to connect! could someone explain to me exactly what it is that makes it combo sometimes and other times not?
I’m hating how dead the karas forums are and would like to start recording some combos, but I can’t without the overhead. lol
It’s dead because Karas isn’t broken anymore. It’s stupid but hey I’m gonna bring him back when some East Coast tournaments pop up (hopefully hehe).
Anyway, the timing for the 2 commands after the initial Kasha is retarded as hell. Me explaining it isn’t really gonna help because it’s pretty dam specific but I will say this…
What I do is I wait until the opponent falls ON PAR with Karas in his crouching state after the 5C.
For example this is how it would look for the BnB that frustrated and I are using.
2A(5A if you can because it does more damage, but the fact that 2A is a low makes it a little more reliable) , 5B, 2B, 5C (one hit), 63214 C, 236 C (hold back), 5B, 5C (both hits), wait for opponent to be on par with Karas’ torso 6B, XX 236B, 6C. And there’s your reset.
Now it’s important to realize that the three different versions of Kashas have different amounts of force. The light version in my experience doesn’t work because the opponent bounces too low. Use the medium or heavy. I always go for medium so I don’t accidentally 3C throughout the combo (because 3C cancels from Kasha and it’s annoying as hell to get 3C instead of the 236). I always go Medium Kasha with 236B and as fast as I can I go for 6C (the overhead). My success rate is pretty much 90%, sometimes randomly it won’t connect properly but it’s always because of my timing.
you need to do all the inputs as fast as you can. It helps if you use the B button for the Kasha and the C button for everything else, but that depends on your control layout.
I understand, I get frustrated myself. In fact for you guys’ entertainment when I finish the Karas vid I’m gonna put in my rage at the end as bloopers. I found it pretty funny. Also, I give up on my super ultimate baroque + MC combo. I don’t think it’s possible because I think there is hitstun scaling in this game. I will show you guys exactly what I mean on the vid. I’ll get it finished later tonight I hope.
doctor - Stick with medium Kasha. That’s what I always used, and also when it comes time to do 6C (the overhead) I spam C to make sure that right after 236B (the 2nd hit that pops them up) happens the 6C comes out IMMEDIATELY after. If it doesn’t, the combo will drop. There have been rare times where I do it lax and I actually still get the combo off but it’s a little random. If you want it to be consistent you should stick to Medium Kasaha, XX 236B, XX 6C. And the timing for the initial Kasha is once again when the opponent is around the middle of Karas. Their feet would be about 1.5 feet (in game scale) off the ground. Basically if the 2 hits connect and you do the commands fast, there’s no reason for the overhead to miss. Think about it that way.
Oh and I wouldn’t bother learning the Karas infinite since it stops in the corner…right? If you wanna bring them to the wall just do the chain starter. It’s the best combo starter Karas has imo.
I’ll be finishing up the Karas vid when I get back from work, hopefully. It involves a bunch of this stuff that I’m explaining + some variations for when the opponent goes too high in the Kasha wall bounce combo and lands BEHIND Karas.
So, thanks to everyones advice I’ve been getting the overhead to connect. I went to a ranbat today and we were having crazy tvc casuals and I’ve been playing tekkaman b/karas. Anyway, it seems like there is nothing I can do mid screen to break my opponents guard. What’s some good mixups for midscreen?
Ok guys, I figured out what the problem is.
The second part of his rekka, the Yoinagi, actually is different depending on what button you press. A makes the opponent bounce up only a little bit, B makes the opponent bounce up midway, and C makes them bounce the highest.
C version also causes his yashagaruma to come out late.
The easiest way to do it is to use A-kasha, B-Yoinagi, C-Yashagaruma
And the input for that should be: [4]6A, 236BCCCCCCC
My current b&b combo is:
2A, 5B, 2B, 5C (1 hit), 63214C > 236 B, 5B, 5C, 2C, [4]6C > 236 B > 6C, 5AAA, 5B, 5C, [4]6A, 3C, ^j.5AA, j.5BB, j.5BB, 623C
19.800b damage, builds 1 and 1/4 meter.
LOL you can’t be serious man you’re Karas. He has IAD B, dash/phase through + call assist, frame traps with assist mixups. Well spaced 2Bs are his best poke, you might need to cover them with assist since they have more bulk frames on the end… That’s what Marn used on me when he raped me :(. You go directly to 5C after that then do whatever you want. IAD B to 2A, rinse and repeat with assists every now and then is probably your best pressuring option. It’s a frame trap within itself if you delay the 2A, but make sure you cover it with an assist if they block your 2AAAA because it’s no longer safe.
What I do sometimes is I follow through on his full string then end it with a 2C, 623A and cover it with an assist. If the opponent tries anything they get hit and boom, there goes 20 billion damage. Karas is a pressuring beast though, eventually they will open up if you keep them on their toes with grabs. Oh and did I mention 2AA, walk up grab? It actually works. Make sure you level 3 super when they get grabbed too, it’s hilarious.
Also here’s the combo video I was working on. Nothing incredibly new, just a few variations on his new BnB and some LOL rage at the end.
*Also the notation for the combo that I found impossible is directly below. It might be hard to read because I put the tips in parentheses but it gets easy if you just watch the video and see the failed versions of the combo so you can make sense of it. I go through the whole thing but it just doesn’t combo for some reason. *
2A, 5B, 2B, 5C (one hit), CHAIN, 236 C (hold back), 5B, 5C, [4]6B, 236 B, 6C (spam), 5A (hit as many times as it takes to get them to a decent height without dropping the combo), 5B, 2B (hold back), 5C, [4]6B, 3C, Megacrash, 5A (hit as many times as it takes to get them to a decent height without dropping the combo), 5B, 2B, 5C, 2C, XX 623A, XX Baroque, XX 5A (hold back), 5B, 5C, [4]6B, 3C, blah blah insert air combo here
The most you can get out of a no meter no baroque combo with karas is about 20 000b, which is actually not that bad at al, and he does still build a lot of meterl. I wouldn’t use megacrash in combos ever since it scales so much now.
Yeah, megacrash is really useless now. (in combo)
I’m actually interested in doing the slide loop now. How is it done this time? Are the same inputs used as before or is there some trick to it?
Hey guys im new and I like playing with Karas as well. Can you help me understand what you guys mean when you say 2A, 5B, 2B, 5C (1 hit), 63214C > 236 B, 5B, 5C, 2C, [4]6C > 236 B > 6C, 5AAA, 5B, 5C, [4]6A, 3C, ^j.5AA, j.5BB, j.5BB, 623C…like what button imputs are ? thanks