Kaimana RGB LED Board thread, RGB animations and more! SRK Tech Talk 2013 Product of the Year!




I canā€™t see how you are powering the LEDs. How are you bringing the 5v from the USB to the LEDs?

Also, I am wondering if you have the Kaimana->D1[Kaimana J 1]D0->D1[Kaimana J 2]D0->D1ā€¦ order correct. In = D1, out = D0. If the LEDs are lighting but no 5v line to LED side, is it getting power from the data line? Could having a backwards Kaimana J somewhere in your chain cause this?

Go for it!


Thank you everyone


Hmā€¦ If I wanted to control LEDs outside of the joystick/home/select/start/action buttons, like the player LEDs, where would I hook up the pins to on the Kaimana?

Because the Kaimana uses indexable leds, all LEDs connect to one of the two ports at the bottom. The LEDs all connect in order as shown above. If you want leave out some leds shown in the diagrams, we can help you modify the set up for that. If you want to detect button presses of those buttons, you just use the terminal on either side.

Okay, understood. I might be a bit unclear about what Iā€™m trying to do here haha.

I might have emailed you earlier about having custom colors according to which console was hooked up to the PS360+. I emailed them to see if there was any that I could just get the Kaimana LED PCB to recognize which console the PS360 was hooked up to, and here was the response:


It works in the codeflow and detects the system through a custom algorithm, there is nothing external for the Kaimana to recognize at the discreet level and adjust. If someone wanted to perhaps do this, they could in theory attach to the player LEDs on 4 Kaimana inputs, and read whether or not they blink on and off for a couple of seconds like they would on the 360 system. If they say, didnā€™t blink, but instead one player LED came on permanently (>1 second, letā€™s say), then that would be a dead ringer for PS3 and you could branch the Kaimana code to go the way you want.

Best Regards,

So Iā€™m not actually adding more LEDā€™s to the Kaimana PCB, Iā€™m just trying to use the player LEDs on the PS360+ as an input on the Kaimana. Iā€™m just a bit lost on where exactly these input signals would go to if I have all the ports connected to my joystick/buttons.

Give me a few days, I will hit up per and see if we can work something out

Thank you! :slight_smile:

I am a bit confused on about the grounding on the board. When I plugin my button signal cables, that seem to be acting as a ground, so the state of the button is always on, until i press it and it goes off. Iā€™ve got my power and ground coming into the board, and all that seems to be working apart from the button are on when there not pressed.

Iā€™ve also noticed that if i plugin only my signal cable and ground, the light on the Kaimana come on (its very faint but its on), and again when i do this the statr of the button goes to on. Any idea where i might be going wrong, i could i have broken my Kaimana?

hmmm, shoot me a picture of your set up to my email armi0024@gmail.com

@armi0024 will do, I kind of think its my controller PCB doing something silly rather than the Kaimana, but it does work ok when not hooked up. All the animations and everything work as expected, and the Kaimana knows when the button as been pressed so its really confusing me!

Itā€™s simple, just review items you bought from the store and you get one chance to enter (not to mention a voucher for doing the review!) Vouchers are limited but entries are only limited to the items you purchased. All reviews submitted in November through the 29th will be eligible for entry. Didnā€™t buy something? Submit an article to the Wiki, entries to the Wiki must be original work.

Paradise Arcade is entirely responsible for this stick and any warranties.

Hey @gteapal, I see you already resolved your issue but I went back and updated the wiki with the info to help everyone.

The labels on the LEDs are INPUT and OUTPUT to form a continuous chain.

DI (eye) is Data INPUT and DO (oh) is Data OUTPUT. The LEDs work by linking the OUTPUT from the Kaimana to the INPUT of the first LED. The OUTPUT from the first LED is linked to the INPUT of the second LED and so on.

A few of us (possibly including myself) incorrectly stated the INPUT and OUTPUT labels as numbers 0 and 1 which was wrong. Hopefully that helps someone else get their Kaimana up and running!


@ZonbiPanda yea that definitely helped me get my LEDā€™s working! Really really huge ignorance on my part, I honestly didnā€™t even notice the D1 and D0 on the Kaimana Jā€™s to begin with hahaha. It never pays to rush things! And is anyone offering coding services? Been trying to figure out how to control the LEDā€™s through the arduino coding page and the kaimana wiki, but Iā€™m sure Iā€™m missing a lot of required code for it to be ready for upload.

Pretty much what Iā€™ve tried to do was copy the code, at least what I think was the code, from one of the example sketches for the idle animation and added ā€œKaimana.setALL( 255, 40, 147 )ā€ to light up my pink buttons when not idle. Is it a lot more difficult to do this than I thought? Or is it even more simple?

Very simple, you just want them all to be pink solid or pink on an off when you are not in idle?

pink solid when not idle :smiley:

Glad to hear that helped @PKKTenshi !

I asked in the Paradise thread not realizing there was a dedicated Kaimana thread. So, please excuse my cross-post.

Exactly how many (max) Kaimana J LEDs can the Kaimana PCB drive? I see there are 15 signal inputs but does that mean 15 LED outputs or do the 4 joystick inputs translate to 1 LED output resulting in 12 LED outputs max?

The headers/screw terminals are just used for a pass through with your controller pcb your using, in order for the Kaimana to control the leds (animations for example). After you daisy chain your LEDs together they plug into one the bottom ports. I donā€™t for sure how many LEDs the Kaimana can power but I know itā€™s far more than the 12 a normal arcade stick uses.

@YellowCan, I hope thatā€™s true; Iā€™d like to power 14 LEDs if possible.