Kaimana RGB LED Board thread, RGB animations and more! SRK Tech Talk 2013 Product of the Year!

oh the joystick wires are crossed cause originally I had a jlf going to the ps360+ and when i put in my ls-40 i switched em around after putting them through the kaimana to get the right directions. I dont have a wire going through the K4 and P4 cause I’m only using 6 buttons instead of eight. All the wires are going to the right connections (except LEDs), I was playing on it through out this weekend and they were all the right inputs.

Ah ok I see now. Well just trying to help and I am exhausted from the day. Let me know if there is something I can do to help.

Haha thanks for the help jwyder, appreciate the sentiment :smiley: Just gotta order a new ps360+ now and try out Bryan’s method. Then all that’s left is to hope it works hahaha

Will most definitely pick these up when I get a new stick :slight_smile:

I think this is the power diagram @jwyder was referring to over on the paradise arcade shop support site. Some of the software coding information is way out of date (before the Kaimana Class was developed and the Kaimana example code posted) but the power and cable info is correct.


Kaimana Power

The Kaimana controller was designed with flexibility in mind and has two distinct and separate power zones that share a common ground.

Zone 1 = Kaiamana - controller/logic/usb power
Zone 2 = LED power



@wahoo747 I finally had a chance to load your code and spend some time with it. I have to say WOW!!! The Marvel stuff is just awesome!!! Especially when you switch characters and the LED colors switch all to that color, just AWESOME!!! I love the menu and the KITT idle animation!!! And I was surprised and entertained by playing Simon which I have not played in a long time. Great work!!!

@ZonbiPanda Yes, that is the diagrams I was referring to, I will post a pic of the wire soldered between the VCC and the +5VDC on the back o the kaimana soon as I need to make adjustments in my case.

@jwyder Thanks. The simon and extra unused idle animations were just me stalling on the hold/flash Zero stuff. Wanted to figure out how to do the “stateless” flash on the cheap but never liked the look I got without using sin() so wound up going that route anyway. Been busy so I haven’t had a chance to work on it in a few days but I’m not exactly sure what I would add next anyway.

Possible to do different color effect for each of iron fists power ups. Low tier character so it probably wouldn’t be used much. Buttons could change after Maximum Wesker to indicate glasses off. There should be something for Phoenix. Not sure what. Vergils charge move indicator. Spiral Swords animation. Devil Trigger animation. I can imagine something cool for Gravity Squeeze/Dark Dimension. Dorm spells…just thought I would throw some ideas out there.

has anyone wrote and released any animations yet that just use the kick/punch buttons. I dont have and LED joystick or LEDS’s for the start/select/guide buttons. If There’s none out there already I’ll have a go at writing one

Even if you don’t have an LED joystick you can still use the joystick to trigger animations (ryu ones for example). I don’t have an LED joystick and they still work just fine.

The current code is pretty easy to shut off or turn on buttons, but I’ll post some common combinations for people.

And what Yellowcan said is 100% accurate, just because you don’t use leds on the joystick I would still plug those leads into the board since they can be used for combinations.

Wahoo just installed your code, great work! let me know if you mind me posting this to a github folder and linking it in our thread at the top.

Also I am going to edit the different codes to allow for Full RGB, 8 button with menu, 8 button without menu, 6 button with menu, 6 button without menu just so everyone can easily install a version that works.

@beakersoft when using the Kaimana without LED Joystick of Start/Select/Home buttons you just need to change the order of the LED’s defined in the kaimana_custom.h so that your first LED from the kaimana controller is set to 0 then the next to 1 etc… Here are my changes that I do as I do not have LED’s on my Joystick of Start/Select/Home buttons:

    #define  LED_K4      0
#define  LED_K3      1
#define  LED_K2      2
#define  LED_K1      3
#define  LED_P1      4
#define  LED_P2      5
#define  LED_P3      6
#define  LED_P4      7
#define  LED_JOY     8
#define  LED_HOME    9
#define  LED_GUIDE   9
#define  LED_SELECT  10
#define  LED_BACK    10
#define  LED_START   11

So my first LED is on LED_K4.

Here is the original Kaimana code. It has the first LED on LED_JOY

#define  LED_JOY     0
#define  LED_HOME    1
#define  LED_GUIDE   1
#define  LED_SELECT  2
#define  LED_BACK    2
#define  LED_START   3
#define  LED_P1      4
#define  LED_P2      5
#define  LED_P3      6
#define  LED_P4      7
#define  LED_K1      8
#define  LED_K2      9
#define  LED_K3      10
#define  LED_K4      11

Make sense?

@jwyder I had a quick look at the source last night and figured i needed to do something like this. Thanks for the clarification

i have a question since i’m interested in using a Kaimana setup in a fight stick i plan on building. it’s probably a “duh” question but i want to make sure i have a good idea of how to set up everything since i’m new to LED mods.

i was thinking of using a simple 3M Scotchlok to splice a wire from the VCC terminal to the LED power. below is a little diagram i whipped up to illustrate this.

my question is this: would this setup work to supply power to the LED chain and PCB? if not, which simple, solderless setup can i use to get power into the LED chain and PCB? again, it’s a “duh” question but i want to know before i purchase any LED stuff since i’m new to making LED mods. thanks.

The two power lines to the LEDs are redudant so you can do this without the scotchlok and it will work great!

No need for a scotchlok, just cut that wire and connect it to the vcc terminal. that is the reason for there being 2 power wires throughout the chain.

that’s very simple then. thanks for the quick responses :smiley:

successful? upload

It does not work well

LED is gloomy

I also tried this


#define LED_ORDER_DEFAULT true
//#define LED_ORDER_JWYDER true

#define LED_ORDER_JWYDER true

Where is the problem?

sorry my poor english

@gteapal something is not right, let me try a few things out to see if I can recreate the problem here.
Can you send a picture close up of the connections on the Kaimana board.