Format: 2/3 Falls, Double Elimination. 3/5 Falls Winners and Losers Finals. 4/7 Grand Finals.
Server: Godweapon Server 1, Anti3D
All brackets will be co-ordinated through #garoutournament on Efnet.
Mandatory IRC rule is still in effect. If you have come across players on Kaillera that play this game please send them a link to this thread and tell them to get IRC. I will not co-ordinate matches between IRC and Kaillera because people don’t want to take 30 seconds for a couple meg download.
Boss characters are allowed. Be ready to play against them.
The ranks from the previous eleven tournaments will be used in this tournament. Any new players will be inserted at random in remaining slots. I’m not going to debate over this because you know that “I’m better than that guy.” If you’re an awesome player and you haven’t entered a tournament yet then you don’t get ranked. It’s just that simple.
oh I didn’t know that I was looking for that one…and Im talking about the aerial one, where in XI he stomps the ground and if you press P, he does a counter jump and if he gets hit, he attacks back. But I know he doesn’t have it here.
Boyz in the hood are always hard.
Come talkin’ that trash and we’ll pull your card.
Knowin’ nothin’ in life, but to be legit.
Don’t quote me boy I ain’t said BUMP
1.) Get an IRC client if you don’t have one. (Might I suggest
2.) Once you start it up up will pop the “mIRC Options” prompt, here you can put your nickname (which will be your handle once you sign in), and an alt in case yours is taken. (If you close this prompt by mistake you can open it again by going File->Select Server or Alt+E)
3.) After filling in those fields, click on “servers” under “connect” on the left of the prompt. You’ll see two drop down boxes, IRC Network and IRC Server. Click on the one for IRC server and scroll until you see efnet. It doesn’t matter which one, select one of them and click connect to server. (If you can’t connect, don’t worry just select another of the efnet servers and try again. mIRC will usually try a few of them for you, or you can just select “random efnet server”)
4.) After you connect another prompt will pop up, mIRC favorites, with a field asking you for the name of the channel you’d like to join. Which in this case will be “#garoutournament”. (If you happen to close this prompt by mistake you can still join channels by going to Command->Join Channel)
And that’s it, that’ll get you into the room with everyone else. I didn’t know how well versed you were so I apologize if this is too much info, heh.
I’ll try to make it to this if I finish my paper for school in time.
Seeing as this is a thread about MAME Garou, how do you select or unlock Grant and Kain? I do the code while highlighting Dong or Jae but it doesn’t work. Sorry for thread hijack-age.