Kailh Switches cheap replacement for HBFS-30 (GamerFinger)

I have been researching mechanical keyboards as of late (just picked up my Filco Majestouch Ninja w/ MX Reds :smiley: ) and have noticed that Kailh switches are being sold indivudually to consumers now. This was inteneded for modders to be able to make their own keyboards with their cheaper Cherry MX clones, but I thought this would also be a good opportunity for fightstick users using the HBFS-30 from Gamerfinger. They use the same two pins as the Cherry MX switches and feel very similar and are even constructed nearly identically. The colours even correspond to the same type of feel (reds are light linear switches, blues are clicky tactile, browns are silent tactile, etc). They are 20% of the cost of a MX switch from WASD keyboards, meaning you can buy 5 Kailh clones for the price of 1 genuine MX switch. The only problems with these switches are the questionably durability and feel consistency. Kailh switches are manufactured in China compared to Cherry in Germany. Cherry has tighter manufacturing processes and requirements compared to Kailhs. Apparently even the switches on the same keyboard can feel slightly different from each other in terms of weight with Kailhs. The durability is also in question. However, for 1/5 of the price, you can stock up on plenty which I think is great since fighter players mash the shit out of their buttons anyways and the consistency doesn’t matter tooo much (don’t hurt me I know it is important).

I will be stocking up on these keys as I have purchased GamerFinger switches recently.

While I love base Red MX switches in my HBFS buttons, part of me is curious about the blue and brown. While I know these aren’t the same per se, it would be a cheaper way to at least try out how those “clicky” counter-parts are like. Seriously, those things add up in price rather quickly.

If you want to test out the feel and sound of each switch, you can buy a test kit for not a lot.

Blues are my favorite, but they are loud.

Also Cherry MX switches were under patent, but that patent expired recently so we’re starting to see a lot of knockoff / similar quality switches. Case in point - Razer’s Chinese Orange and Green switches.

Kailh actually manufactures Razer’s switches :smile:

Knowing Razers track record with build quality I would not use their trash switches in a Gamefinger button. As the plunger of the button is only held in my the switche’s stem, I see that orange or green stem piece coming out completely and you end up with a broken switch inside of a gamefinger button you got to now fish out.

Razer’s switches actually go through a lot more testing in their own division of the factory. Many have also stated that the consistency of the Razer BW 2014 is a lot better relative to a Kailh board and is more comparable to Cherry’s consistency and QC. I will be the first to tell you if a Razer product is ass, but fortunately this one isn’t that bad. For the money though, BW is a no go LOL

If they offer a comparable feel to Razer’s Green switches I’d definitely be interested. Granted, of course, they were priced competitively.

Looks like we both learned something today, Finest.

I’m never one to knock Razer stuff, but I wouldn’t buy them myself. I dislike the color scheme, and their parts are a bit suspect a lot of the time.

However, they were kind enough to donate an Atrox stick for our charity event last year, so I went and modded it just like I would any other stick. It’s got a ton of room and nothing you don’t need, which was nice. Of course, Sanwa parts aren’t made by Razer :stuck_out_tongue:

Personally, if I was using GFs I’d use Cherry MX Clears if I liked heavy button presses, Blues if I liked it to be loud with medium strength presses, and Browns if I wanted a more silent alternative.