I’ve been playing cvs 2 4 a while, and in my town i’m a decent player. I recent switched from s 2 k groove (vega, bison, r2 sagat). Every1 says that A groove counters k, but in my opinion, only an FULL meter A counters K. Meaning all the time b4 that lil bitch charges up his/her meter, it’s ass whooping season. So in essence u could say fighting A with K(or P 4 that matter) groove is a race against time(meter). I usually put bison in first and try 2 rush the shit out of their 1st character. sometimes it works, but often enough, the inevitable occurs,-activation custom 40-50% damage lost blocking or not. I’m not complaining, as a matter of fact I welcome the challenge, the abundance of A groove players gives in my city gives me more practice against them. I know there was a K thread but this is more specific 2 the K vs. A matchup. Any suggestions, tactics, general or character specific are encouraged and welcome. I know this is one of those trying matches so this thread should be helpful.
i’ll start it off with the topic of K vs. A sakura. Every and any decent A groove will have this lil hore on her team. iv’e noticed that no matter what level of gameplay, the basic strategy 4 her is 2 land, in somewhat shape or form, her custom combo. Now the focus should’nt neccesarily be on how 2 counter it(though it’s important) but what 2 do b4 she charges. In the overall scheme of things, I consider sakura’s gameplay, 80% CC, and 20% RCling and playing chicken while charging up.
Any comments or tricks on this matchup? Use ur own K groove characters as an example.