K so...

My GGPO gt thing is Pwn.Star not Lights Out or however it’s spelled, I tried creating that gt but it was taken (almost every version of it).

It’s cool that I get my own thread though. Prodigy and all his lackies pulled the same exact shit (minus a bonehead thread) when they tried “exposing” Wax a while back too, it was when SFIV got the Championship Mode and you could see replay inputs and all this. I’m not surprised, I don’t use turbo and I never have but feel free to believe what ever you like. Leave it Prodigy and…I don’t know I can’t remember his buddies names to try to start a bunch of sh*t, is this your way of not playing the Race to 10 Prodigy?

Anyway, I’m not Lights 0ut on ggpo, if and when I do sign on that mess I play with the acct I always have which is Pwn.Star. I’m not the type of person to go and drop $150 on some stick just because I want to be better at an online fighting game sorry. I’ve played with the same controller I have ever since I got HF those some odd years back. You 2 fools even accused me of turbo back on HF LOL! There wasn’t even any turbo sticks available for me to “cheat” with back then LOL! It’s funny, I get accused of turbo. ME! LOL!

Not place for thread, please infract/delete.

If you want to be a drama queen save it for pm’s