Justice for Cisco

Generally I don’t put politics or the ‘law’ on blast but this story feels like all sorts of wrong. Basically a police officer responds to a call and shows up at the wrong address, holds a man at gunpoint while his dog runs up barking at the officer from the backyard from the commotion. Despite being asked to not shoot his dog, the officer shot it and shrugs as if it wasn’t his fault at all. No apologies were given.

You can read a little more about it here: http://abcnews.go.com/US/texas-man-claims-police-killed-dog-cisco-responding/story?id=16150874


support the facebook page, that has a photo detailing the story a little more: http://www.facebook.com/JusticeForCisco

Show support for the dog owner as well as help this situation to not happen again.

“My dog :(!”

“…So uh, do u have a girlfriend? ;)”


No justice.
Not for anyone.

I was hoping this was going to be about the SRK poster, getting banned for doing something stupid. This drama is not nearly as delicious.
You could have at least speculated on the race of the cop.

I know you don’t really wanna…

And everybody gets shot.

Do they really wanna?



Please don’t try to summon Cisco. Either of them. :tdown:

I thought this was gonna be about Cisco getting arrested for stalking that girl from way back and somehow it caught up to him.

Q. Why are cops such bullies and jerkasses?

A. Because it’s a line of work that, for the most part, only attracts people who were already bullies and jerkasses in the first place.

If you’re not a bully and a jerkass, why would you ever want to be a cop? And if you are a bully and a jerkass, why wouldn’t you want to be one?

Thought it was about the SRK poster…