Just Picked Up BB:CSE (PS3)

Hey all!

Just picked up BBCS on Saturday and I am in total wub! It’s a great game, but most of y’all already knew that. I’m not exactly trying to get on a “hyper competetive” level at the moment… I have other games for that. This game is just simply FUN for me. I’d more than love to play with a few folks who have a firm grasp on the game and wouldn’t mind sparring a nubphace like myself.

I (unfortunately?) have a PS3. Seems like more people on SRK play on the 360 - I know. Figured this thread was worth a shot though. If you play BBCS at all, please, add me to your friend list!

My PSN handle = rubixgroove

I play other games as I’m sure y’all do too but BBCS has already settled into a weird spot in my heart. :slight_smile:

Holler at me, my ninjas!

I think there are plenty of folks around who play on the PS3, though I’m not one of them.

Quick clarification though - you have BBCS, or BBCS:Extend? Because the latter is the latest version and the one that most folks are likely to be playing at this point.

I don’t have Extend… or at least at the moment. I was able to get BBCS at such a steal from a friend I had to jump on it.
After playing it for a wee bit though, I’m definitely going to pick up CSE once I find it at a decent deal. Never thought this
game would be this much fun (never played GG really) so waited around quite a bit before hopping on it.

Never the less, IF anyone has BBCS (NOT CSE!), I’d love to play some. I’ll be buying the next one sooner than later. :slight_smile:

I daresay there are a few people who might dust off their CS2 discs to play with a newbie. (Make sure you get the latest patch version for free off PSN. It’s a very important balance patch).

Glad you’re enjoying the game - if you have any questions, feel free to speak up. I’ll also give you my usual newbie rundown of useful stuff:

Dustloop Wiki (CS:Extend) - Contains a bunch of info about characters and moves, as well as frame data.
Dustloop Frame Data and System Info (BBCS2) - The system info is a really good explanation of how a lot of stuff works. Frame data and System Data is mostly just from number junky theoryfighters like me.
Beginner Mode Episdes(BlazBlue in general) - James Xie is a noteworthy BB player, and this is his excellent series that teaches you all kinds of stuff that is somewhat fighting game general, but always specifically applicable to Blazblue. also generally pretty entertaining.

Awesome Airk. Really appreciate all that! I’ll come back here and update this when I pick up CSE. Going to give this current disk
some love first since I just picked her up then start tracking down the next one. No worries if no one wants to play an older version
of the game. I understand why most wouldn’t want to. :slight_smile:

Welcome to BlazBlue bro! I’m sure you’ll be able find matches with original Cs, I know I did about a month ago and if my intel’s right there are more BB players on Ps3 than on 360 (which I use). I’d also recommend you to NOT buy the three DLC-characters or any of the system voice or additional color packs, you’ll get all of them free with Extend.

Great to hear from you guys!

Well, I can say this much… I really, really am digging Blazblue. Such a great change-up from SF3/4. Been playing SF4 since the vanilla release and was looking for a more fast-paced game to break up the street fightin’, picked up UMvC3 when it first came out and attempted to play but couldn’t find myself gelling with it as I did the first two. Needless to say that this is the **perfect **“not Street Fighter” game for me. :slight_smile:

After saying all that… the second that I can find Continuum Shift Extend for a good deal, I’m going to hop on it instantly. Until then, I’ll be playing the game I got and enjoying it. Might try to hop online just to see what’s up later. Playing a lot of Tsubaki, for better or worse! :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice to know you’re enjoying BB. I do suggest that you upgrade to Ex as soin as you can, not just because CS doesn’t have many players anymore but because of the changes to balance and challenge mode. Challenge mode is much better in Ex and makes learning characters much easier. As for the balance changes just to make sure everything you learn is up to date. Many players have complained that their old combos don’t work in Ex. Tsubaki in particular was changed concerning her drive.

Don’t worry about having to replay the story mode once you buy Ex, you can use your original CS save data skip the labor.

For what it’s worth, there’s not THAT much combo relearning to do with Tsubaki from CS2->EX, unless you got into the really advanced (or at least, execution intensive) DP-whiff stuff. Most of her beginner to intermediate stuff still works in extend, though her optimal intermediate stuff changes.

Funny enough - I’m not even playing the story modes/arcade modes or anything. Checked out some of the tutorials to get up to speed on the BB mechanics and then checked out a few characters in the ‘strategy’ section there. Pretty cool they included that I thought. I am actually constantly playing with actual people. I have a few friends that really dig this game too and there’s a great fighting games community where I am at… though I’m sure not too many play BB, I know there’s local-love. Just gotta find it real quick. :stuck_out_tongue:

@Airk - I’m hoping to have found a good deal on one by this time next week at the latest. I’m so pleasantly suprised by this game that I wouldn’t feel bad immediately purchasing the newest game.

Curious - how does the online play fare? I’m not one to bitch about lag or anything like that but it IS a buzzkill not being able to play as certain characters online (SF4/UMvC3 are good examples) and silly things like that. Can I save replays whenever I want? Any offline replay saves? :slight_smile:

It took me a lot of rummaging to find a used copy of EX for $30, and I haven’t seen it again since. It doesn’t seem like a lot of the people who bought it are selling.

The online play is pretty darn good; It’s not perfect, because you’ll still lag a frame or two under the best circumstances, which can be all the difference when you’re trying to, say, block Gauntlet Hades, but I can’t think of any characters that are more harmed by online than others, thanks to the 5 frame advance input buffer, and the general lack of tight links. If anything, it’s that certain characters (Tager, Ragna, maybe Lambda) are ‘better’ online because it’s harder to block their stuff.

Understood! Just making sure it wasn’t one of those weird situations where characters like Rufus & Gen are “completely usesless” online… that sorta shit doesn’t really make for great character diversity, and that tends to hurt games more than help!

And yes - your sentimet about not finding them used often is very, very realistic. Seems as if Blazblue is one of those games that people buy kinda already knowing what they are getting into. I had no clue and was really suprised. Now I’m a believer and will not be reselling either!

I’ll keep digging around. Really excited to find CS:E & to play with some of the community here.

One quick question - any offline replay saves? Most of the intense shit happense offline and it sucks we never get to save those moments… :smiley:

Ooops. I forgot to answer that. No, no offline replay saves. =/

No idea why companies don’t include this feature. Does ANY fighting game have it?

I bought my LE copy of Extend new from Zavvi.com. It was around 21€ + 1.20€ postage which is about 28-30$.

You can save up to 7 offline replays in DbZ Budokai Tenkaichi 3. That’s the only one I can think of :^

Me and my sisters used our plain video camera to record some of our Mario Kart tournaments. The gameplay quality was poor but at least you could grasp the authentic atmosphere that way. If it’s only the game you wish to record I guess it’d be best to just wire your console to a dvd recorder or a different capture device which you then connect to your TV. I use Hauppauge HDPVR for my capturing purposes, it cost a ton but quality’s great.

I’m probably going to pick up a Hauppauge at some point, because it seems like the best option for non-outrageously priced video capture. I figure I can use it to record some BB matches so people can tell me how bad my execution is, and I can also use it to digitize some of these old VHZ tapes. @_@

Street FIghter 3rd Strike Online has offline replay saves. You can also upload to a dedicated Youtube channel from within the game… AND watch said channel all from your console. I’ll be looking around for a copy locally, chances are that it’ll be around the $25-$30 mark. I’ll hop on it if so!

Really like this game… community is small but very dedicated. My kinda crowd!

Huh. I knew about the Youtube integration in 3SO, but not about the offline recording.

I kinda wanted to support that game for its features, except that I had exactly ZERO interest in 3S. :stuck_out_tongue: If it’d been a new IP, I would’ve been on it a heartbeat.

Will say this about 3SOE - if you like fighting games and want a great $15 game… it’d be tough to beat it.
Offline replays = something that most games should have by now, especially anything competetive.

So… if things go my way, I’ll be picking up CS:E today/tomorrow. If I do, I’ll repost here. Hope to get some games in soon. :smiley:

Official update: I now have the most current version of BB. The game feels a lot more full with the five extra characters.

Still stickin’ with Tsubaki for the time. Will be branching out sooner than later.
If anyone wants to train up with OR help train a newb… holler at me on PSN @ rubixgroove


Good luck sir. And swing on by the Dustloop Tsubaki forums. Best community on the site, I swear.