Just Like In The Movies! - The Viewtiful Joe Video Thread

I think that was either Desk or EndlessCombos.

Hereā€™s a vid of a decent vj/doom tac combo, good damage and meter build.

Also for coon players (cuz I know vj players tend to like to have a furry sidekick) a coon/doom reset

Iā€™m not sure. I donā€™t think it was that. It had a TON of shocking pink if I remember correctly. Do you have the links to those?

Canā€™t check it because the place Iā€™m at is banned from Twitch but heres the altest Bay Area Fight Night

when you started playing i thought you might have been playing on a foreign pad. Joe is so hard to play if you donā€™t play on the right pad. other than that i can tell you are pretty good. you obviously have a great neutral game, dancing around nova can sometimes be a pain.

Itā€™s weird, my movement with joe on 360 pad isnā€™t that great but my backwards Voomerangs are come out better on it than PS3 pad. I may or may not be at the MADE again tomorrow. Most likely gonna be there but as you can kind of tell I like playing this game casually but fuck spending money on it lol. Iā€™ll definitley be playing sometime Friday though around 7:30 PM CT Iā€™ll be streaming Gundamn vs Gundam but Saturday will probably be alot of marvel for me unfortunatly.

I played a guy in a first to 15 set for 200 bucks.

its starts around 44 min in. but i run my B-team for the first 8 games. after that theres a lot of VJ goodness in there.
Unfortunately theres also a lot of sloppiness and dropped combos. but I think youll enjoy stuff regardless.

Hey guys! I just wanted to share my first UMVC3 Team Combo Video: Prime Time. Joe is the point for my team, and a huge part of the video. My personal favorite part of the video is the Haggar slow combo near the end (over 6 pipes!) Iā€™m just getting the hang of doing groovy upper links with Joe consistently, so any advice or feedback is appreciated. Hope you guys like it! :smiley: