Just Like In The Movies! - The Viewtiful Joe Video Thread

Put a lot of time into these. If you’ve just started playing Joe or if you’ve been playing him since TvC you should check these out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ENO2E6Vwng&feature=c4-overview-vl&list=PL4gRnhQUhEonnIpmG6KlihTu9YhbX7x6N

^ Wow IReidYou you have really out done your self!. ive only watched the first 5min and i can already see u know what your talking about! Later today i will watch all the vids. Im sure the rest of the video is as sharp as the first 5!

I bow to you Ireidyou.
I feel so scrubby for not doing those dirty bomb mix ups.
And just doing lame bomb xx voomerang.

Damn that’s a bunch of good information, Reid! You’ve inspired me to pick up Joe again as main, as soon as I learn Ammy :. Gonna play team shorties :3

Just finished done watching your vid’s they are fucking Viewtiful mate. The amount of time and effort to find all of that tech is astonishing. I feel like im a LVL 1 joe now. From witnessing what ive just seen. I have never thought of those dirty bomb incomings, The Nullify push blocking, or even high jump hit confirms. I take my hat and my pants off to you sir. Coz you deserve it. If im ever recorded doing any of that swaggy tech of yours. Ill remember to give you a shout out every time. Love the ending. I Hope to see u go far in your competitive marvel play.

I feel the same way. There’s a lot of unexplored areas to my Joe :frowning: I was never able to confirm off of SJ height. These vids are fucking awesome man!

Thanks a lot guys. Tried to make sure everything I knew about was covered in full. Glad it’s helping others and hopefully it can get more people interested in the character

reid,that video was very well made and very informative. thanks alot.
also,i think hsien ko is do-able just as long as you have an assist. i think fighting her solo is too uphill though.

Past Weekend had a weekly tourney, all games can be found on the shadowloo’s youtube channel. Here is the best/luckiest game i played against Toxy. (We are a both bit rusty since Singapore SEA)
I didnt end up using any new tech found by IReidYou. didnt have the time to practice :stuck_out_tongue:

By the way, if you guys were wondering why you couldn’t land that TAC infinite that Reid posted in his video, that version seems to only work on Wolverine / Zero. For normal sized characters, just dash and at the end of the dash do H.Air Joe. Make sure the H doesn’t hit. Then you should be in prime position to start it. I’ve only done this with down, when I get the combo part down, then I’ll move to side and up. So far getting the combo part in the middle seems the hardest for me :\

Thanks, man! I play Joe myself and this guide had me learning a lot of new stuff!
You played TvC too? What nickname do you go by?

Your guide is incredible! And I laughed really hard at the Hsien-Ko part!

I fought against a Hsienko today. That was exactly what happened -_-;;

I tried a team of Joe / RR / Ammy, but with no results. My Ammy is ass and I don’t know what I should be doing with her. Opening up people seems really hard. Also, getting people stuck in coldstar so I can start any kind of mixup that you put in that video is awkward. I guess I just need more practice with it.

what an amazing guide… props to reid

No prob bud. During the TvC era I wasn’t really into the FGC like that and didn’t know anyone nearby where played so just lab monstered away. Had a couple of teams but the main was either Joe/Roll or Joe/Polimar.

Yeah it takes time to build up a solid neutral, just remember the range coldstar covers and try to work it in when you’re clear.

But yeah, Joe’s so good it hurts.

^ Saw that vid posted in the Socal Marvel Facebook and came straight here xD Amazing shit once again, Reid. I had always wondered the characters who get the best use out of bomb assist, Doc Strange was def my number one til now. What do you think are some of the best Wesker/Joe teams to utilize this? Seems like Wesker still needs a beam or something, maybe even Wesker/Joe/Strange??

Haha thanks man. I still gotta give massive props to that residentevilrulz guy for sparking interest. Yeah a beam assist would def be optimal for a team like this. Strange works great for Wesker and Joe but I just don’t like the fact that Wesker/Joe/Strange or Wesker/Strange/Joe have no safe dhc options to get out of trouble. If you can somehow find a moment to dhc into Strange’s counter hyper then more power to you. Theoretically any beam assist should work great if you can find a way to combo into it, but I’m a defensive fuck so personally would go with Doom lol.

Imo starting off Joe would be ideal since he can avoid grabs so well at the start of the match. Clear some space with your beam assist, get a charged voom out or two, then tag into Wesk and go for teleport mixups into low/command grab mixup for the kill. I just wonder if this duo will start to catch on. This glitch is pretty simple to do but they’ll have to learn the midget. Hopefully we’ll see more Joe players soon though. The pink scarf reign begins now.

Ah, that’s a good idea. That’s one reason I’ll always start Joe in this game, his escape from the start of the round pressure is too important to me. I can already play Strange at functional level, Wesker seems easy to pick up, maybe I’ll think about giving it a shot. I just really like the idea of Joe being good support for the rest of the team, his general lack of team support is one of his biggest drawbacks, imo.

I always thought about using Wesker before…Just for his sweet command grab.
Guess I’m dropping Dante.

Hmmm…Theory here. Cause I’m ass with Wesker but.
Do you guys think its possible to combo into the counter on raw tags? Like:

Air throw, Wesker assist, bomb (M/H), groovy up m, j.m, j.h, dj.h, rhk.M, rhk.H, Raw tag, counter.

If so, damn…That would be an easy solve to Joe’s dmg and against up backs.
Instead of trying to mix them up on recovery. And more easier then dropping six cannon.

I think Wesker / Joe / Mag is a great team. Wesker / Mag get so much. Joe / Mag gets hella zoning. Or you can do Wesker / Joe / Plasma beam or missiles I think. Not sure on that one though.

I remember seeing a video about Shocking Pink and using it to convert into various things with crossover counter, and I can’t seem to find it anymore. Does anyone have the link to it? I remember seeing a sick version where you convert using Get 'Em Missile to continue a combo. Was that part of Reid’s video?