Just got a Wii U from simpleshoppinglink.com....pro controller worth it?

Well since I won’t be getting any other console this year (waited for the Xbox Reveal and the decision was easy)…I got this now but I only got New SMB WII U with it. It played really well. The updates took a while. Nintendo land was OK, it seemed you can unlock a lot of stuff in the game to keep you busy but I probably won’t spend time with it. I picked up the 30 cent Super Metroid as well.

Menu navigation still seems to be slow when you exit out and return HOME etc. but not all bad. I do get pissed when I accidentally tap on something I didn’t want then I have to wait to exit back out.

I don’t think I’ll be transferring my Wii stuff over since my Wii is homebrewed and I don’t want anything to happen to it.

Now the question, is the pro controller worth it? I don’t mind the gamepad but sometimes it gets tiresome looking down at it or just warm in the hands. Is it still pretty much up to the developer to support it? Seems like NEW SMB doesn’t support it.