[FONT=Helvetica]I posted this in the Street Fighter 4 forum but I then realized its pretty much dead… so reposting here.
Hi, I just picked up SF4 the other day and I have SSF4 coming in the mail (about a week away). I have decided I want to play Ryu. I have a background in competitive gaming, mostly starcraft and starcraft 2, so I know the importance of practice and dedication.
I’m playing on the 360 and I have the SS4 Pad, as seen here. How important is getting the arcade stick?
In SC2 having practice partners is vital for improvement, can the same be said about SS4?
One last question, is the new SSXT game going to be the standard SS4 game? If so that would kind of suck lol seeing as how I just got the other SS4 games…
its not important to use an arcade stick unless you’re using a characer like juri, viper, or el fuerte that demand holding buttons down while still using other buttons.
pracice partners are important and you’ll find some online friends eventually and just go into a private 2 slot endless.
lastly, play this game for 2-3months, then play mvc2,cvs2,3s,alpha2 and you’ll appreciate the old school goodness compared to stiff clunky boring modern fighters
using what is most comfortable is what is preferred when it comes to controllers. having a stick will give you slightly less problems playing across platforms though.
you will go no where fast without some sort of decent competition, but you don’t need a consistent partner to practice with (although i cannot say i know anyone half decent who doesn’t have someone they play frequently.) having access to better competition is a must though or you’ll hit a wall pretty quick.
Is streaming big in SS4? Are there pros I can watch and try to emulate? This is pretty common in the sc2 community, lots of pros stream and everyone copies their builds.
Whats the best way to practice? Mass games? Training room until I can perform all the moves perfectly? little of both seems good I think.
These next few are just my curiosity, roughly how many people play SS4 vs SSS4? What are the significant differences between the two games?
I’d hate to break it to ya bud, but if what you meant was SF4 and SSF4, you’re out of luck.
The current version is SSF4AE. Practically no one plays the others.
I beg to differ. Any day of the week you can pop in Vanilla or Super and find matches fairly easily. Anyhow, to the OP: research and practice. If you are going to play Ryu, who has been my main for like 20 years now, start by learning his normals (ie: standing jab, jumping fierce etc) and their ranges. Use the spacing of the squares in training mode to really get a good feel for what will connect from where. After that you should start working on mastering the specials. The Hado, Tatsu, and DP. One bit of advice, find an emulator and download Super Street Fighter II Turbo to work on the specials. DP inputs are really hard and learning the correct way to do them in Super Turbo will pay off down the road for you. After the specials, learn the Super Combo and Ultra. Once you have mastered all these techniques, prepare to spend some time on YouTube. Look up Daigo, Air, and Alex Valle Ryu videos. Start dissecting the combos down into individual links in training mode. At this point in time, you should start putting things together on your own and forming your own method of playing Ryu. While you are doing all this, you need to be playing lots of matches and trying to implement everything you are working on into your matches. If you play on Xbox or PC feel free to add me and I could show you some things: CGMNaniwaTiger. Otherwise, Good Luck!
Damn… Okay, can you please spell out for me the versions of Street Fighter so I don’t make this mistake again? As far as I know there is Street Fighter 4, Super Street Fighter 4, Street Fighter 4 3D edition, and the current one you mentions Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade edition.
Not for that purpose. The reason he recommended SF2 is that it is strict with inputs. That is, it reads [forward, down, downforward+punch] as a shoryuken, and only that. Street Fighter 4 reads [any forward, any down, any forward+punch] as a shoryuken. So, for example [forward, downforward, forward] and [downforward, down, downforward] both produce shoryukens. Both SF2 and SF4 are strict with quarter circles like those used in the hadouken.
Same with half-circles - half circle forward ( [back, downback, down, downforward, forward] ) can be done with [downback, forward] and full circles by dropping the inbetweens and just inputting all the main directions. This has some implications for what is good in SF4 specifically (namely, you can do a shoryuken fully crouching instead of standing up for a split second when doing the move. that is, [downback, downforward, downback, downforward+punch] does a shoryuken while fully crouching, while the “proper” way would be to do [downback, forward, down, downforward+punch], which makes you stand for a split second), but doing the inputs the “proper” way most of the time helps in playing other games and the like.
Make friends here have em do endless with you on a regular basis and you and them will be pretty decent to warrant local tournaments in a few weeks/months time. DO NOT think going to ranked matches is the best options to get better. I found out that endless usually has far better competitors and as a result haven’t had a need for ranked for about 2 months. Use whatever is most comfortable to you personally i use the dual shock 3 controller and do just fine. No real need to go out buy any expensive accessories to up your game. You should also try and talk some of the better players here to do a few matches with you, sure you might get bodied, but it’ll show you what you should be doing in casuals. Also if you have any people you can play against offline do it, online is really only useful IMO for testing(newly learned mixups/OSes/ Frame traps/Combo practice etc)