I actually like the layout. Her kicking over the stick is pretty cool and works for me. You actually probably don’t even need the character in the bottom right hand corner. Make her name more prominent and swap it out in place of the bottom portrait and I think you have a winner. I’m only saying this because there is more space under the buttons as opposed to the top.
A nice plain design wins over an over-saturated design. Just my opinion.
In an attempt to make it better I have shifted Juri over to the right, added her name in Korean, moved the splatch that was under the buttons to be under the ultra button. And now I need your help!
I want to have a white and black outline of her face from that as i plan now to have her cybernectic eye be the vermillion arcade ball. If not an outline, some sort of nice head shot or cropped head shot of juri that has a white background.
that u had before was better with the changes mentioned to me. Right now she’s stuck in the corner and thers a lot of empty spaces on the left. When designing stick layout I find that the only place to put anything important is on the left side where the most spaces are. I like the feng shui engine where the stick is though.
I like the first template better. Just put her name on the bottom corner where the portrait is, and add some color splash in the empty white spots. Really good design overall, I like it.