Juri Reset?

hey im new too shoryuken.i been playing super for a while i just played my friend whop used ibuki and kept reseting me so i was wondering if any body knews if juri has a reset.or think its possibity.

Well, technically, a reset is anything that ends a combo, so yeah, just stop in the middle of a combo and do an overhead or low or w/e you think will hit them to restart a combo.

If you’re looking for a Sakura-style 50/50 air reset, you can do j.mp > j.mp > s.lk when they’re about to hit the ground, and Juri’s dash is so low you can either dash under them or delay the dash and stay on the same side to start w/e again, but you can’t like combo into that sort of reset from neutral, as far as I know. Correct me if I’m wrong.

You can combo into a reset with juri.
Fuhajin xx EX lvl2 focus> waaaaaait> cr.lk > dash under.

[media=youtube]mRD537wsBK8"[/media] is another example of what you can try.

You could just do her counter in-between the focus and cr.lk rather than wait. Gives you a bit of meter a long with the reset.

That’s a good idea, i’m going to practice that!

If you land an air to air j.mp you can just j.mp again then lk for the reset.

what do you guys think about this reset, which is sultry and dangerous:

j.mp, dash under, s.lk reset, dash under -> do shit

Post n#3 on this thread. Read it.

It’s awesome.