Jump Superstars--Gameplay, Strats, Tiers

This thread is for all your Jump Superstars gameplay needs. Discussion of why Jotaro Joestar’s Y attack is better than Luffy’s Y attack go here. Discussion of why Jotaro is or is not better than Luffy in some cosmic sense is better suited to General Discussion.

Videos: Check http://www.nintendo.co.jp/ds/ajsj/taikai/index.html. The top five links have–if I’m reading things right–the winning deck, followed by [in the boxes] links for vids of the final match and the “best” match. Thanks to nohoho for the heads-up.

Mission requirements: Check the IGN and GameFAQs guides. Post here if you’re still having problems.

What the different help koma do: GameFAQs has two guides that are very helpful.

Why characters “sparkle” when next to each other: Check the GameFAQs Ally Boosting FAQ.

Tier list by M3D:

Boarderline Broken Tier:

Really Really Good Tier:
Don Pachi

Good in the Right Deck/Situations:
Ryo-san (Blue Police Man Guy)
Dr. Mashirito
Yusuke (YuYuHakusho Guy)
Zoro (aka Zolo)

“Meh” Tier
Tsuna/Reborn (orange hair kid)

And some questions:

  1. What’s Sanji’s ability where he gets hearts over his head do? What’s it powering up?

  2. I feel like this game plays a lot like MvC2 in that it’s really important to have ways to control large parts of the board. 3-koma Bo-Bobo, the Shaman King guy, etc. seem to be really useful because they stop the opponent(s) from running all over the place. The Prince of Tennis support koma want to do this, but mostly suck because they only generate a small ball instead of a stream of weapons/energy/etc. Thoughts? Are some characters so good that you can afford to just concentrate on the opponent and not worry about the rest of the board?

lolz… I’ve got an Advanced Play FAQ coming to GameFAQS next month, so stay tuned for a real explanation of how things work in that game.

As for your questions:

  1. Sanji’s hearts are an attack power boost. He gets a certain % increase (I think 10%)in every attack he does for every female character in his deck. That means that if you put him in a deck with like 8 other koma that are all female and he powers up, each attack he does gets 80% extra power. Basically, he’s easily top tier and destroys most of the people he’s facing in a good deck.

There are several decks that already have names that are centered around Sanji. The naming convention is usually just “X of Sanji” where X is a character attribute or attack. For instance:

Ghost of Sanji = Sanji + Gotenks + female supports/helps. Sanji powers up and then Gotenks spams his Up+X super charged to shoot 4 ghosts.

Angel of Sanji = Sanji + Eve + female supports/helps. Sanji powers up and then Eve can abuse either of her specials or just use her overall excellent attacking abilities to get points.

Tank of Sanji
Rock of Sanji (aka “Can’t Stop the Rock”)

Sanji = top tier.

  1. One of the main strategies of Jump Super Stars tends to be: evade combat as best as you can, power-up, use support koma/specials to trap chasing opponents, attack quickly and spam a really strong super. Wash, rinse, repeat. So is it important to control most of the board? Sorta… it’s more important to avoid direct combat until your opponent is in a bad position and then control that smaller portion of the board. Generally, as an attacker your want to be central to the stage and elevated above the bottom platform (depending on the stage) so that you can’t easily get pinned against walls or without a vertical (up or down) escape. It’s got some elements of MvC2, but also some Super Smash Bros mixed in there as well.

As far as tiers are concerned, I think deck construction is WAY more important than individual character abilities. For instance Naruto isn’t that great of a character by himself, but teamed with Sanji he can get stupid powerful (especially in FFA, but not excluding 1v1). Finding a theme for your deck that links characters, supers and supports to create traps is the most important thing to consider. Individual characters are barely more or less useful in normal combat from one another and really only are distinguished by their health bar size, shape in the deck and super attacks.

You’re a little off on some of the characters when it comes to outright attribute measurement. I’d say there are a few classes of characters to consider. Something like:

Boarderline Broken Tier:

Really Really Good Tier:
Don Pachi

Good in the Right Deck/Situations:
Ryo-san (Blue Police Man Guy)
Dr. Mashirito
Yusuke (YuYuHakusho Guy)
Zoro (aka Zolo)

“Meh” Tier
Tsuna/Reborn (orange hair kid)

From like 6 months or so of playing this game since it came out, this is my current understanding of how the characters really pan out. This isn’t just me experimenting either… this is from playing against some of the best competitive gamers in the country (including some national champions in other fighting games) and in several regions. I’ve played against players from the East Coast, the Midwest and the West Coast.

As for the tiers themselves, The boarderline broken tier might as well be called the broken tier. Sanji gets RIDICULOUS power boosts, Jotaro and Dio can time freeze-infinite FTW and Jaguar can win-point super/invincibility himself to victory. The “Really Really Good Tier” are characters that stand on their own in combat and with decks built around them and are generally the heaviest hitters, best comboers, longest health meters and best supers. The “good in the right deck tier” is for characters that might have gaps in their overall game, whether its bad comboing or weak super attacks that just keep them from being main combat characters. Some are better than others but overall they’re all useful. And the “Meh Tier” is characters that are weak all around but still might have a use or two, since I don’t think any of the characters are completely worthless.

However, due to the nature of the deck building in the game any of the characters can be useful if you successfully build a trap around them. So play with whoever you want and have fun, maybe you’ll find something the rest of that have been playing and competing for the last 6 months missed.

Are these characters broken enough that they should have some sort of ban (assuming someone decided to have some sort of organized set of matches)?

If you don’t want to ban them outright, you should at least ban these particular moves:

Dio/Jotaro: Up+X time stop super
Sanji: Up+X (Pose of Love) Hearts Power up Super
Jaguar: Up+X Dancing Win-Point Super.

But its a lot easier just to ban the characters… which pains me because I absolutely love Dio and Jotaro. They’re uber-fun to use.


Nintendo has tournament videos on their site.


From there go to:
etc. and look for the .wmv links.

Sanji + Arale = Unchi[Poo] of Sanji? ^^;

Actually… Sanji+Arale is “Can’t Stop the Rock” but I guess that depends on which version of Arale you’re using. If you use the one that throws the huge stone, then she can kill some characters in one hit. The big pink goo ball she throws in the other form doesn’t do as much physical damage, although I suppose you really could make a “Poo of Sanji” deck.

The Japanese Nintendo tournament videos are prime examples of why Sanji is broken and why FFA doesn’t really work. In the first tournament someone won using a Sanji based deck… by the last tournament like all the top players were using Sanji decks. Sanji+Eve and Sanji+Naruto seemed pretty popular, although there were other variations.

Personally, I’m an Eve player. I also like Jotaro, Arale and Gotenks but Eve is my #1 character overall. In fact, I used the replication glitch to build a deck that had all 5 forms of Eve in one deck! :wink:

awesome. This game looks fun. I’m gonna pick this up soon and I’m guessing theres no wifi?

I didn’t think people were still seriously playing this game. I guess it’s time to take out the game and give it another try.

Just curious, but what do you all do when you play if you can’t play against another actual person? I haven’t been able to find another person to play against in this game so that just leaves me the adventure mode and the exhibition mode. Adventure mode got boring fast for me and the computer is too easy to be any real competition when I play exhibition mode so I don’t know what else to do when I play. Add that with the language barrier and the difficulty in getting new koma because of the language and you get the reason why I stopped playing this game.

I just beat the game to view the credits, Goku and Vegeta were the bosses. Still have not unlocked Rurouni Kenshin. Although after you beat the game you can go to new areas, Himura Kenshin challenged me in one of the new areas, still don’t have any of the Rurouni Kenshin manga images.

My favorite characters to use in the game are Kujo Jotaro, Vegeta, and Roronoa Zoro, I find all 3 pretty strong.

Am I the only one who thinks Dio’s Up+Y is too insanely broken for words? It’s relatively safe (especially off of block), and gives you health and meter. Too fucking broken. I love it.

Bankai Ichigo is too much fun to play.

Watching the vids, I can’t help but notice that basically no one was using support characters at all. I can understand why–it’s hard to take your hand off the controls to trigger them–but it’s kind of a shame.

Given that no one uses them, though…Is it better to just use one to meet the requirements, and use lots of help komas to boost your total meter? Or are there some that are good enough to use regardless? I know I take Sanosuke 3-koma on every “ring out” mission…

I haven’t found it too difficult to figure out what the requirements are with the FAQs available. Once I got rolling, just collecting the koma and seeing what they did was enough to keep going.

Not having other people to play is rough, but I find it easy enough to keep busy trying new stuff out. I have vague images of a combo exhibition somewhere down the road…

Support characters have their uses… but you shouldn’t be using them in most decks the same way you would in MvC2. They’re more for A) breaking pressure B) causing effects and C) setting a trap in 1v1 or 2v2 matches.

basically, don’t spam them. Focus more on your ETS (Evade, Trap, Spam Super) game and you’ll be fine.

As for those videos… those were FFA matches in tournaments held by Nintendo/Jump in Japan within the first few weeks of the games release. Most of players were just focused on comboing like crazy apparently, but those vids are not indicative of how MOST matches are played or how matches are played best.

Somewhat related question but how would one go about recording video from the DS? I expect Nintendo hosted tournies to have special set-ups that displays what’s onscreen to TVs or whatever but how would an average joe go about recording decent quality DS gameplay footage?

I’m curious about this as well. I’m thinking that the small screen would defeat most efforts at hand-held recording.

Somewhat off-topic (please forgive): where’s the best place to order this game?

w00t~~! A Jump Super Stars topic! (thanks for the heads up, M3D)

Anyways, I have my own little FAQ coming out that covers pretty much the same stuff that M3D is making, as far as I know… we’ll have to see how each of ours ends up. Regardless, M3D knows this game very well. I have a few discrepancies with his tier list choices, but nothing that big.

Basically, FFA is broken. Unless you ban certain stuff… which makes it playable… but it still feels kinda dumb. VERY fun dumb though. lol

M3D hits the nail on the head when he says that this game isn’t just about Battle Characters. Truly, your Manga Deck is much more important. Support Characters are very important in high level play, especially if you’re gifted with some sweet dexterity. Both in defense and offense, Support Characters play a key role. Help Characters are much the same, but there are a few types of Help effects that one should really consider:

Healing- Ok… you should always have this in your deck. Some form of it at least. Makes 1v1 legitimate.

Cure- Good for healing nasty status effects cough poison cough blindness cough no fight cough no block. Yeah. Another must.

Steel Wall- In actual competitive play, Steel Wall is really a broken koma. The ability to use Super Armor anytime (including hitstun and blockstun) fucks up anything your opponent can do… and then the game turns into a pokefest, until one of you gets more meter and you get to activate your STEEL WALL!~!11!!! yeah tis a stupid koma. But if you want to pwn your friends, put this in.

Invincibility- Another broken koma. Invincibility doesn’t last as long as Steel Wall and it doesn’t work during hitstun, but it still fucks up the game. At least with super armor you could hit your opponent, now theres nothing you can do but to turtle until they materialize. Also makes Jaguar 6 koma broken. (or helps it at least)

As for the Battle Character tier list, here’s stuff I’d like to say (i’ll try to justify myself the best I can)

Broken tier is good.
This is just me actually, but I think in 1v1 Pose of Love Sanji isn’t broken. IMO he telegraphs it very openly, the move isn’t terribly hard to interrupt, Sanji’s strings have very little defense against Counter Support Koma. Don’t get me wrong, Sanji is high tier if you do ban Pose of Love. He is a very good character.

JOTARO <3 I love Jotaro. Yeah, I’m another one of those SRK JoJo’s fans, so Jotaro was, is, and always will be my main. Banning the use of the timestop super solves all problems with Jotaro. Besides, even if your opponent accidentally does it, then they can just not do anything, and it’s ok! yay! For those who are sad about the timestop part, Jotaro is still one of (if not the best) character in the game without it. Jotaro does so much damage without Support Koma its not even funny.

Dio… Dio is pretty interesting in that without TOKIYO TOMARE!!! he is mostly mediocre. His timestop loops are even more deadly than Jotaro and a lot easier (due to the nature/speed of his moves) so thats always cool. But yeah, he loses a ton if he can’t timestop, but when he can, it is broken. He is still pretty decent. Mid-mid ish… I like 4 koma the best, because 4 koma MUDAMUDA is fast enough to combo normally, and ZA WARUDO: Circle Knife tracks your opponent wherever they are. Good stuff. If you want more beef, then choose 6 Koma. Unless you are a ROODO RORA fanatic, 5 Koma isn’t anything that 6 Koma is. (even without Tokiyo Tomare)

Jaguar is stupid when he can use his point super. Run away free point for you~ combine with Steel Wall and Invincibility… you win for free~ When his Point super is taken away, he becomes low mid basically. Nothing too special. Pretty bad combo ability, average damage output, no amazing supers besides that one (even if you use support koma to combo them in) Although, his f+B and f+Y are great for keeping pressure. Really good actually. Combine that with his awesome j. Y (mash) and he escapes low tier!

Eve is awesome. M3D knows her better than I do. Ask him for the details on how to rock.

The Don is good. Comboability is buff, damage is good, laughter type is a trump, corner loop ftw! Just make sure you don’t run out of meter/get your special moves sealed. That hurts Don Pachi a lot. He become less safe, has a hard time putting pressure on your opponent… etc. So if that happens, run away… hes good at that (fast walkspeed+triple jump+j. Y) Also be careful of his low lifebar… that’s always a bad thing.

Goku… is a very interesting character. His different koma forms offer different playstyles/strategies, but his core movelist is good, and he is tied for having the most life in the game. Bread and butter combo is good damage, he has the ability to hit you with status effects, his beam supers are powerful. Yeah. Nothing overly good about him, but all of the small good things that he has makes him greater than the sum of his parts. Proper support koma usage into Chou Kamehameha = ouchie. 7 Koma Vegetto sword is a little slow to start up, but does crazy damage and has huge range/priority. The little blast at the beginning will combo into the slash on counterhit. Nice.

Luffy… is… a little weaker then the other ones you chose for this tier, but still good. He has a hard time comboing stuff normally, but he controls space… extremely well. f+B, f+Y, u+B, u+Y, j. B, j. Y are all really good attacks targeted in specific directions. Once you get that down, your opponent will have a hard time breaking out of some of his traps. 7 Koma (Afro Luffy) Gum Gum Gattling is really fast/prioritzed/powerful. Very nasty recovery time. You’re dead if they push block. But yeah he’s still a good character. Personally, I love the 5 Koma for his u+X. Hanabi no Ougon Botan looks exactly like a badass Shinryuken!! Does really good damage too.

Yoh I only know a little of his greatness. Basically, use support koma well enough to get 6 Koma’s X attack for great damage and blindness. Almost all of his attacks have good priority and range as well. Ask M3D~

Mmm… I’d move Ichigo down a little bit. 7 Koma is his only good form, but the 2 supers in this form a HELLA GOOD… X can be used twice and it does great damage, combos fluidly. u+X has more startup, but has a huge area of effect, and mashing the button will mean lots of hits for you. This move also crushes walls with ease, so ring outs galore! u+X will pretty much beat out any other move in the game. Again, Support Koma will allow you to combo into this move (although it is harder than most) Ichigo is really scrub friendly, so long as you have maxed out super meter, you can contend pretty well. He has some good normals, but his 7 koma supers are what make him really good.

Arale… I don’t like her :arazz: but she is totally a good character. I’d still move her down a bit, but whatever. Laughter type is good, her normals are fast and annoying, and her special moves are generally good. j. Y is fucking awesome. Abuse for sweet damage and lockdown. Even though she is fast, she can’t combo very well naturally, but she has some good resets. Most life in the game as with Goku (in know wtf??? Arale?)

** Kazuki** I likes him with my Dio deck. 4 Koma is good for just about everything, with good damage, range, combos and supers. 4 Koma’s u+X has a freaking huge hitbox that is really weird (as in good) and it blinds. It combos easily, and will often hit twice for nice damage. 5 Koma’s X is a faster, beefier version of 4 Koma’s so its good for chasing down. u+X is another odd, but technically good move. The move does great damage with a wide range of effect. Furthermore, even if you get through the blades, its still not Kazuki you’re hitting. Finally, you can link stuff after it. Huge combos ftw! 6 koma is a funky shape so I guess that counts for something. X does good damage without major setup issues, and it combos easy. u+X is weird; it does more damage for the number of people in your deck. It covers a huge range, so use it when your opponent can’t see you offscreen.

/using the word good way too often

Oh god… I’ll do this for everyone guys… just need some time to… faints

just kidding! I’ll finish up later. If anyone is confused by what I’m saying or if you want me to elaborate, then just ask.

Support Koma are l33t, to be frank. The ability to use them anytime while on the ground means extending combos, keeping pressure, setting a trap/diversion and many other things. Support Koma are also extremely important in that they are also good defensively. Use one during blockstun to get that annoying bitch off of you, use it mid hit stun to (possibly) break their combo etc etc. As far as combo exhibitions go, hehehe… Jump Super Stars is completely perfect.

No offense to those japanese players, but they need to learn some stuff. The matches aren’t that great. moderately skilled button mashing ftw! =\

EDIT: Fixed some weird setences.

sakura is suprisingly fun to use

up+Y is the best move in the game (ninja vanish)

oh yeah and the guy with the flowers on his nipples is my fav character :rofl: does anyone know if he has an anime and can i down load it?

Why is Gotenks rather low? His midair Y is good, and his Up+Y meter charge seems to make him a great addition to any team.