A&C World Tournament Series #6 - AE2012/UMVC3
When: Sunday, July 22nd, 2012
Where: A&C World
702A Spadina Avenue, Toronto, Ontario
Venue Fee: $10
Tournament Fees: $10 per game
Tournaments: AE2012 (PS3) and UMVC3 (PS3)
Prizes: 70/20/10 split
Directors: Gar and Chang Toy
Rules: Double elimination
Best 2/3 matches
Loser can change characters
Winners/Losers/Grand Finals best 3/5 Matches
timers: 99 Second default
Schedule: 12:00PM - Registration starts
1:30PM - Registration closes
2:00PM - AE2012 Starts
3:00PM - Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 starts
Additional Information:
This even is BYOC (Bring Your own Controller), though there are a limited amount of arcade sticks available. Controller rentals are available.
There will be a limited number of free play stations for AE2012 and UMVC3 (360)
The Rules of the tournament are subject to change at the discretion of A&C Games.
Sponsorship Opportunities:
If you would like to sponsor this event, please visit http://www.acgamesonline.com or call A&C Games at (416) 923-3066