[Jul 7, 2012] Rocket Punch 3 @ Arcade Legacy - EVO stream, AE, UMVC3, VS, SG,... (Cincinnati, OH)

I managed to forget Rocket Punch was a thing and now I’m hype all over again.

Never forget

hmmm. sadly, i missed the one in tn… well, a couple hour ride and i could do some fun for a bit.

The new Blast City cab has arrived! We will be using that for the CPS-2 gauntlet and/or the Vampire tournament.

Where are you coming from goodpeoples?

Well, I was toying with the idea of coming up for this since I couldn’t make EVO, but I’m out of parts at the moment and my supplier is… well, he’s at EVO. -_-

Anywho, just a heads-up in case anyone was expecting me. Really wanted some Gold Star, too…

I dunno if I’ll get to head up there tonight, because I have quite a bit of work to do. I’ll bring the latest build of my game, and anyone thats curious can help me test… if I can find someone willing to let me use their laptop.

It looks like you still need a PS3 with Marvel. I can bring that if you’d like. All the costumes as well.

Thanks Lee