[Jul 7, 2012] Rocket Punch 3 @ Arcade Legacy - EVO stream, AE, UMVC3, VS, SG,... (Cincinnati, OH)

I didn’t do Windjammers because we will have just started the Wimbledon season. If we have time and someone wants to run it, it could definitely happen. Maybe we could do teams. We’ve never done a WJ teams tournament.

I haven’t decided yet. I’ve been told I should be very careful with that decision, as it’s the difference between the geek table and the cool kids club… and everyone thinks they’re the cool kids club. >.>

Goldstar’s better because they have firehouse coneys.

I could bring a 360 and copies of SCV, SSFIV:AE and UMVC3 if it’d help.

You can definitely bring them. Even if we don’t use them for the tournament, it would be an extra casuals station. Thanks for the offer.

I’ll run street fighter 4 if no one else has volunteered yet

Thanks DJ. I’ve got you down for that. Now I just need someone to run the CPS-2 gauntlet and we are all set

Don’t think any of the regular KOF players will oppose this but I’ll put it out there and let people know on the day that all KOF matches (including Winners, Losers and Grand) will be best 2/3. Looks like its what most tournies are running these days.

Well my Evo plans fell under…so I’ll be coming to this :smiley:

EDIT: Chili talk? I prefer that Skyline.

Sucks that you won’t be going to EVO this year Rob. However, Rocket Punch is always fun, so it’ll be an awesome weekend for sure at AL getting some games in, getting to play in some tournaments, & we’ll be able to watch the EVO stream also on the projection screen. Hells Yeah!!! :tup:

Since there’s been some talk of Tatsunoko vs Capcom in the Cincinnati Fighting Game General facebook group, would anybody be interested in doing a side tournament with it? I could bring a Wii, Stick and the game if there’d be any interest. I’m sure I’ll find one or two people for casuals, but I recently bought the game and got pretty interested in it, only to find that the community for it is absolutely dead.

Speaking of Side tournaments, I’ll be down to help run a Virtua Fighter 5: FS tourney.

I officially added VF5FS but forgot to put it in the details. Fixed! Circuitous is already running that one.

Just to be clear guys, all side tournaments should be run on Friday or Sunday or at the end of the day on Saturday if there is time. I already have a lot of games running and I do not want side tournaments to interfere.

Also still looking for a volunteer to run the CPS-2 gauntlet. You will get 1/2 off the venue fee for volunteering.

Hate to be the bearer of bad news but I will no longer be attending this event. Me and the family will be heading out of town for a week and we leave on the Friday of Rocket Punch.

With this in mind, someone else will no need to run KOF. Sorry guys, really sad I am missing this cause I always have fun at RP.

Hey I should be there since I’ve got store credit and figure it’s better than watching EVO in my underpants all day. I can run KOF, no prob.

New to Cincinnati. Where are the local tournaments? And what’s the Facebook page?

Welcome to Cincinnati cmr2. All tournaments, ranbat seasons, & Thursday Fight Nights are held at AL (Arcade Legacy) where Rocket Punch 3 is being held. Here’s a link to the AL website:


We do have two Facebook groups for the FGC here, one for Cincinnati, the other one for Dayton. However, more often than not, most of us post up on the Cincinnati/Dayton/Northern Kentucky thread here on SRK. That’s usually the best way to find out what’s going on & to chat with peeps online. Here’s a link to our SRK thread:

The first post or original post on our Cincinnati/Dayton/Northern Kentucky thread is a good way of introducing what goes on in our scene & who everybody is that’s in our scene. Hope this helps you out & welcome once again cmr2. Head out to AL tomorrow night on Thursday for Fight Night to see what it’s all about. :tup:

Preciate it, Sluch.

Anytime. :tup: