[LEFT]As some of you may know, at East Coast Throwdown 3, the laptop of tournament director and beloved New Jersey Player Mr. Quotes was stolen. So as a token of our appreciation, the NY 3s community will be holding a special 3s tournament fundraiser to help Quotes buy a new laptop. One of the reasons why ECT3 was so hype was because individuals like Quotes were willing to sacrifice their time AND money so that other players could focus on their own matches and have a good time.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]So show some love and come out to Skillionaire Fighting at Next Level this Saturday! If you don’t want to enter any of the events but still want to donate come to Next Level anyway. We will have a collection box set up. With 3SOE just around the corner this event would be the perfect introduction for new players who are curious about the game. You get to play with some of NYC’s finest 3s players AND it’s for charity![/LEFT]
Rithli, Zar The Biscuit, Mutantxp & Next Level Arcade Presents:
$$$ S K I L L I O N A I R E F I G H T I N G $$$
The Quest for Quotes******
Next Level Arcade
4013 8th Avenue (In-between 40th and 41st street)
Brooklyn, NY 11232
Venue Fee: $10 (suggested)
While NLA charges several different hourly rates, there is a flat rate of $10 for a full day’s admittance available. It’s probably in your best interest to consider this option as tournaments tend to run about 4-6hrs on average AND you’ll probably want to get warmed up before the event as well as request salty runbacks after the event is completed.
[COLOR=#00ff00]:wow::eek:Day & Start Time: Saturday, July 16st @7PM:eek::wow:[/COLOR]
Not 7:30PM, not 8 or 9PM either. Try showing up at least thirty minutes ahead of schedule because if you show after the time posted it’s very likely you WILL NOT be added to the brackets.
Regstration: 6pm - 7pm
Please sign-up AT THE DESK BY THE GLASS COUNTER which is conveniently located at the arcade entrance. Signs will be posted to further assist you.
Capcom vs. SNK 2 (PS2)
Moderator: Zar
Entry Fee: $3
Grand Prize: Winner-take-all. Don’t spend it all in one place.
2nd, 3rd Place Prizes: You get to shake hands with a SKILLIONAIRE! How many people can say they’ve done that?
Regulations & Stipulations
Game Settings
Default (Timer 999, Dmg 2, Speed 3)
Tournament Format
Bracket Assignment
[]Participants will be seeded in brackets based on total accumulated points from prior $KILLIONAIRE FIGHTING events (i.e. skill seeding) .
Double Elimination
[]Winner of a set (2/3 matches) progresses, loser of the set pops some garlic tablets and moves to the losers bracket.
[]Winners Finals, Losers Finals, Grand Finals: will all be 2-out-of-3 Matches (First to two wins).
[]Winner of a match MUST KEEP THE SAME TEAM AND RATIO SETTINGS but is allowed to change character order before the start of the match.
[*]Loser has the option to select new team and adjust ratio of said team.
In case you missed it: The entire CVS2 tourney will be 2/3 all the way through!
Side Selection
Coin Toss: Because we all know P2 side is godlike
[]Any player may request a coin toss for player side BEFORE STARTING THEIR FIRST MATCH.
[]Winner of coin toss chooses player side and remains on that side for the entire set.
[]If there is a reset in GF’s then either player may request a coin toss to determine player side again (as this is an entirely new set).
[]In addition to the winner of the coin toss having the option to choose which side they want to play on they must also CHOOSE THEIR TEAM AND DECIDE CHARACTER RATIO BEFORE THEIR OPPONENT.
[*]Loser of the coin toss has the option of choosing the battle stage (lol).
Evil Ryu, Blood Iori, God Rugal, and Shin Akuma are banned w/o question.
Pausing & Resets
Should a pause occur mid-match, the player responsible for the paused game will not be penalized unless:
[]The pause happened during a damage exchange (e.g. a 2+ Hit Combo). In this instance if the player who is receiving damage has paused, they must forfeit that round (exception being hit-trade).
[]Retaliation is imminent (e.g. recovering from from a missed HP Shoryuken). If the player who is being retaliated against (i.e. at an obvious disadvantage) has paused, they must forfeit that round.
[*]RESET: Should a reset occur (and it HAS happened in the past lol), the match will be replayed. Character order and the characters already defeated in the prior match must be replicated up until the point in which the reset had occurred.
Your best bet is to DISABLE start and/or select if your controlling device allows so (i.e. break something or mod) OR use a stick with start/select placed apart from attack buttons OR be extra-super-duper careful. If you need to use TAUNT, then it is highly advised that you set a separate button aside for the macro.
…Gotta love console.
Vampire Savior (PS2 Via - Vampire: Darkstalkers Collection)
Moderator: Rithli
Entry Fee: $3
Grand Prize: Winner-take-all.
Regulations & Stipulations
Game Settings
Default Damage (DMG 2)
Default Timer (99)
Speed Setting: TURBO 3, no selection
Dipswitch Setting: 1997/05/19ver
**In order to access the dipswitch settings: In the OPTION menu, hold R1+L1 before selecting GAME OPTION.
Tournament Format
Bracket Assignment as mentioned above:
[]Participants will seeded in brackets based on total accumulated points from prior $KILLIONAIRE FIGHTING events (i.e. skill seeding) .
Double Elimination
[]Winner of a set (2/3 matches) progresses.
[]Winners Finals, Losers Finals, Grand Finals: will all be 2-out-of-3 Matches (First to two wins).
[]Winner of a match must keep the same character. Loser may switch.
Side Selection
Selected by coin toss.
Banned and to Note
[]This is Vampire Savior (1). So the Hunter2/Savior2/Arranged mode characters will not be available. (This includes Dee, Donovan, Phobos, Pyron, Oboro Bishamon).
[]Shadow Gallon is OK.
[]No Shadow (body snatcher), no Marionette.
[]I recommend not using the stage IRON HORSE, IRON TERROR due to it actually being longer than all the other stages.
N-N-NOW, fight a new rival!!!
[INDENT=1]**Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike ****(PS2) "MR. QUOTES Fundraiser " **[SIZE=4][updated 7.13][/SIZE][/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]Moderator: Mutantxp[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]Entry Fee:** $5**[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]Grand Prize: 75% of the Pot goes to Quotes. The rest goes to 1st place. (Remember this IS a fundraiser!)[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]Regulations & Stipulations[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]Tournament Format[/INDENT]
[]Double Elimination
[]Winner of a set (2/3 matches) progresses.
[]Winners Finals, Losers Finals, Grand Finals: will all be 2-out-of-3 Matches (First to two wins).
[]Winner of a match must keep the same character. Loser may switch. Winner can change supers.
[*]GILL is banned.
1st - 21 Points
2nd - 13 Points
3rd - 8 Points
*4th - 5 Points *
5th (tie) - 3 Points
7th (tie) - 2 Points
Current Rankings
MIN (21)
Snaaake (13)
Jon (8)
Jasmin (5)
Jason (3)
Rithli (3)
Apollo (2)
Rithli (21)
Braver (8)
GOS Zar (5)
DaiAndOh (3)
AkumaHokoru (3)
Squared (2)
Apollo (2)