I need to explain the Juggle Potenial rules in 3s before beginning.
In the game of 3s, the Juggle Potenial (JP) is always set to 6. Every move in the game (that can hit an opponent in the air) has a Juggle Potenial Take (JPT). Everytime the character is hit in the air with a move, the JPT of the move is taken from the JP (6). Once the JP reachs 0, you can’t juggle the opponent anymore. There exceptions to this rule though, and here they are.
If you hit a character just a few frames after he hits a JP of 0 or less, then you can still hit them while there in the air. Example: Urien juggles with 5 standing jabs in a row in the corner on a falling Q (and stunned obviously). Each standing jab has a JPT of 1, which after five of them will put the JP count to 1. Right before Q falls, Urien juggles with a standing jab, then chains it to another standing jab again, and chains that to a standing strong. This technically takes the JP count to -2, but sence the second standing jab and standing strong hit fast anough, they were capable of hitting.
Some people say that as long as the character is ascending in air you can hit him, this is not true. like the example above, if Gouki is juggling Q in the corner (stunned) and juggles with any number from 1-5 standing close jabs (each with a JPT of 1). When Gouki dashes in this time, he throws out a standing close fierce and 2-in-1s it to his Fierce Goushoryu, but the Goushoryu doesn’t hit even though Q is clearly ascending when the Goushoryu would normally hit… Now if Gouki replaced the Goushoryu with a SAII or replaced the standing close fierce with another standing close jab, then it would work because it hits quick anough.
So Im watching KYSG’s new 3s vid on CV.com and I’m thinking WTF!!
All Combos are in reference to the new “KYSG 3s Ryu Volume 7” that can be found at www.combovideos.com
Combo #7 on Q [–Description–]
On the first part of the combo, Ryu hits with a EX Joudan Sokutou Geri (which has a JPT of 3 and takes the JP count to 3), and then he hits with 3 standing close jabs (each having a JPT of 1, taking the JP count to 0). Then some how he hits with a jumping fierce. WTF!!! Theres no JP left to juggle with… [–Possiblitys–]
He’s ascending in the air so he is still Juggleable… [–Tests to prove–]
I try to do this combo and it did work. If you try to do another standing jab though, it doesn’t work. From my above example with Gouki. It appears that jabs have a much more of a “juggleable” time frame then fierces…
Combo #10 on Ryu [–Description–]
On the first part of the combo, Ryu hits with a EX Joudan Sokutou Geri (which has a JPT of 3 and takes the JP count to 3), and then he hits with 3 standing close jabs (each having a JPT of 1, taking the JP count to 0). Then some how he hits with a Short Joudan Sokutou Geri… [–Tests to prove–]
I’ve done multiple tests, and just got it. You have to 2-in-1 from the last standing jab into the Roundhouse Geri. The jabs “juggleable” is crazy stupid
Combo #12 on Urien [–Description–]
Ryu juggles with 2 standing close jabs (both with a JPT of 1 taking the JP count to 4) then jumps and hits with a jumping short (with a JPT of 3 taking the JP count to 1), then lands and hits with another standing close jab (with a JPT of 1 taking the JP count to 0), then jumps and hits with a fierce… [–Possiblitys–]
Ryu’s jumping short could be one of the very few jumping attacks with a JP other then 3 (maybe 2) [–Tests to prove–]
yet again, the jab has an insane amount of juggle time on it. the jumping short has a JPT of 3.
There are a few more on the vid the exceed a JP of 0 but damn. For me this is the first time I’ve seen a normal have such a long hang time. Hope everyone that was wondering WTF can see that now.
yeah, this vid is nuts. i tried for a long time trying to get a 1-hit meaty ex fireball to hit so i could juggle afterward but both hits always end up connecting.
I don’t remember see that one.
To me that seems impossible.
I mean EX Geri is -3, Sc.Jab is -1, UOH is -1, J.Frc is -3, Theres no prob with hitting the Jumping Fierce; but that puts the JP at -2. How the fuck can an SRK hit? He’s definitily been in the air to long for the SRK to hit. I’ll try it later when I get back from work
that combo isn’t in the video, but it’s feasible, I just did it on the PS2 version. it’s just like when u try to connect the donkey kick cept the timing is stricter. it’s basically 2-in-1-ing the srk from the jab, like when u ex-d.kick in a corner and then u flip around, and connect the st.jab with the srk
im having one really dumb problem tho, I can’t connect a UOH with the rest of the combo on the dudley sa3 combo, there is too much recovery and he’ll just auto guard it. how do you guys connect that ?
not sure why you guys are trying to recreate some of the crazier combos since KYSG programs all his combos. None of what he does is fake but it’s all nearly impossible, since thanks to programming the combos he has PERFECT timing. And if you ask me the juggle potential system in 3s is kinda like the english language; it has rules but it has more exceptions to those rules.
nah, polish is like that, not english. english is worlds easier than that lang. lol sry,. ^_^’ I think the reason some people do it is to get the most damage potential out of ryu like how some people do with their yun. i know it’s unrealistic but still, if you can do it consistently and it does more damage than the normal option, why not ? besides, it’s fun. lol.
on the video, how is he getting the character to bounce into his cl.s.jab after the ex. shippu ? anytime I do the ex shippu he just goes in the opposit direction. thanks.
get anywhere with that ? I got it to ome out once, but I don’t know what I did to make it happen, it just came out that way once. There has to be something to get aht situation to appear consistently.
I don’t know if this is mentioned in the thread, but I’m posting it anyway because lots of people are confused by this:
-When a character is stunned, there is no juggle count.
-A dead body has no juggle count, and a KO does not happen until the dead body hits the ground.
Stun combos and dead body combos are not the same as juggle combos although they are similar because once you let the body hit the ground, you can no longer add to the combo.
If you ‘juggle’ someone with a jab, the ONLY thing that you can hit them with afterwards is a super. When I heard, EX joudan, jab then ANOTHER JAB - I knew it had to be a stun combo.
That JPT analogy applies only for non stun combos, and its not necessarily based only on the numbers e.g. Urien can do two tackles after an air sphere but not two jabs :xeye:
These combos seem to be very character based and situational… for instance, maybe the opponent has to do a move before Ryu starts the combo (the most obvious being Sean’s ball or Urien’s SA3, but there may be others)… plus I’m pretty sure that the juggle combo system is different for stunned characters.
well, the reason, I want to know it is because some of these things are helpful for zoning/spacing placing characters in certain spaces, and some of the comboes are good even if u don’t include the stunned combo crap like getting makoto to come back to you out of a ex tasumaki sempu kyakuu.