my juggernaut team is spidey doom juggs
heres 2 with spiedy juggs, with spidey on point and juggs dash assist, both are damaging ashell, more if juggy is glitched! (jugg assist same time),, neutral rd, immediatly cancel the rd to max spider, the jugg assist will knock them up and spider will hit for big dmg
- of course you can addhits before this, fierce webball then jumping in attacks or whatever you want
next one,
spidey on point, jugg dash assist
jumping in fierce, dash in, standing lp, call jugg assist, standing mp (lp, assist, mp must be done fast as hell), follow up fp cancel into a fierce webball, then immediatly cancel the webball into max spider, the jumping fierce will knock them down into jugg assist which will knock them back up into webball, then max spider will hit, if you glitch jugg’s this combo is massive!
the most dmg i can get out of a jugg assist is with ryu on point, jump in fierce, dash lk (jugg assist), c.rd (jugg assist will pick them up off the ground, lvl 3 shin-shoryuken super, MAD dmg!
and finally with doom, (call jugg assist),, c.fierce, (jugg assist will hit), standing pink tickler cancel into qcf pp vacume super, nice dmg as well