Joystick question

Well, I’m kind of new to the modern fighting scene, I played some fighters back in the SF2/MK days. The PC FPS competitive scene isn’t doing too hot anymore so I decided to pick up fighters again. So after getting a Madcatz SE stick, I tried it out knowing I wouldn’t get it fully down that quick but something just didn’t feel right using my left hand for the arcade stick. I’ve used my right hand for my majority of wrist movements for like a decade+ since I played PC FPS. Using the Joystick with my left hand just wasn’t working for me, so I flipped my SE stick over and used my right hand instead and I could consistently hit QCF and such, it felt super natural to me.

So anyway,

TL:DR - I like using the joystick with my right hand what are some reputable places I can have a box custom made for my SE stick and or maybe a guide to make my own.

if it were a hori or a TE, you could’ve gotten a panel replacement from

hes also going to sell acrylic cases soon, so you can xfer all of your guts over.

Aside from that, you can make your own panel out of sheet metal or even wood. you can use the layout builder he has on his site for a rough estimation.

I’ll check it out, but I’m not sure if the SE has a removable panel. Do you know of anyone that makes whole boxes that I can transfer my SE internals to?

Cheapest solution would be to learn how to play cross-handed.

Eh, might just try and use my left hand. Wouldn’t be able to use arcade cabinets if I stuck with my right hand :smiley:

I think it’s half not having the muscle memory with my left hand and half this bad stick, like if I down-block to the left corner it’ll input, but if I downblock to the right corner I’ll just keep walking, flipping the stick and using the other side avoided this problem. I’ll just wait for my JLF before I make my final decision.

Playing cross-handed is a more common solution than swapping the stick and button positions. On top of that, at a tournament, if you’re stick breaks down, you’re SOL; cannot borrow other people’s.

I think seth killian plays cross-handed and his execution is workable.

Making stick motions is not a really natural human motion, so you probably just need to train yourself to get used to the qcf, qcb, srk motions. It’ll come with a month or so of heavy practice.

Yeah, after I flipped the PCB and got used to the motions on my left hand it’s working out pretty good but now my jump forwards/backwards aren’t registering because of the bad stick. But once I get my JLF it should be all good.

Is it that hard to just practice with your left hand?

But for some pretty good reaons already given I’d suggest learning cross handed if you’re too stubborn to learn it the… regular way.

I’ve had a similar experience as you pzlate.

I used to predominately play PC but decided to give fighters a serious effort with the then up and coming release of HDR and SF4. After getting my SE I found out that my left hand was retarted at making qcf motions compared to my right hand. But I just stuck with it and after a few weeks everything started to flow and months later it was almost natural. It’s all muscle memory.

My advice would to just stick with using your left hand for a few weeks and then if you feel you aren’t making any progress then make the switch.