JMU/Harrisonburg, Va Players?

Anyone else in this area play fighting games regularly? There’s the Charlottesville group, I know, but it’s pretty difficult to make Thursdays at 6 when JMU is in session.

I mostly play UMVC3, but if anyone’s interested in putting together regular sessions for that or whatever else (or knows of any that already exist), please contact me.

I’m a JMU student and I play UMvC3 and some SSBM. I’d be interested in playing with you. Where do you live in Harrisonburg

I’m right outside JMU and play with a group of people pretty regularly. PM me or hit me up on XBL: leakey88

I’m at the Mill.

I live just north of h’burg and as a new SSFIV player, I’m looking for playing partners. I play on ps3, but I don’t even have a stick yet. Is there even a scene in town?

Best bet would be to see if JMU has anything going on as far as clubs, if not possibly see about putting a flyer out there? I know people in Charlottesville that are still hungry and always looking for new blood.

I don’t have ps3 but if you ever play AE on PC or anything else on there (ST on GGPO) hit me up.