JLF microswitch that do not click?

are there any micro-switches for the JLF that do not click when pressed?
this sound is driving me nuts.

ASCII Optical and Sanwa Flash (people are selling these in the Trade Outlet right now), though I hear Toodles is making something similar to these.

no i mean like actual microswitches that dont click.


sadly there isn’t anything like that

if you want to it may just be the echo of the case. Try padding the case with stuff inside to muzzle the noise

If you put cherry microswitches in, the click is VERY quiet. Almost inaudible. Of course, then you’d need a tighter spring. I used a JLF with cherry switches in there for a long time - it was great. =)

Like a LS-32 spring ?

I never considered Cherries on a JFL, only thing I got cherry switches in is a Deck legends Mechanical keyboard.
My keyboard got Cherry MX Black switches.

You dont need any specific spring. Just buy the assorted spring pack at home depot ($4-$5), pick out the 3 - 4 springs that are compatible with the jlf, double up them niggas, then return the pack back to the store for a full refund. I did that about 4 times thus far and nothing has happened.

…well, thats my good deed for today.

what the. i never thought of that. cherry mod the JLF.

do the cherry’s fit well?

but seriously… does anyone else hate the clicking noise??
it’s seriously drives me nuts. especially at night when you don’t want to make a lot of noise.
and all your gf can hear is clickity clack clack clack and random chatter over my headset.
why wouldn’t they make a silent microswitch? i’m gonna pop one open and see what exactly makes that fukkin thing click.

No, I don´t hate the clicking noise, BTW I love that sound:rock:

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Yeah man, cherries click quietly and fit perfectly inside the JLF. The dimensions are the same as the normal omron switches that the JLF has. Only difference is that the cherries have three prongs instead of two, but that doesn’t affect fit in any way.

This. I would have liked it if my Seimitsu buttons had the clickity clicks.

Maybe you should try Sanwa OBS-30A buttons – they use the same microswitch as their JLF.

Expensive though, 510¥ each.

Sanwa OBS-M-1

I use the Sanwa OBS-M-1 switch set under my Seimitsu buttons.


I like the sound too! Also, the buttons are going to make sounds anyway…haha.

The Sanwa Flash, though not quite the solution you seek, is pretty sweet. Only got to play on one once, but it was great. Also, the idea to mod a JLF’s switches is interesting.

Cherry mod or optical sticks are your best bet. I like the sound, it’s not even that loud, then again I also used a black alps keyboard for a couple years and anything pales in comparison to the noise that monstrosity can make. Always wearing closed headphones helps too.

i will find a solution.

Well padding inside the case will certainly dampen the sound.