JiBbo's SFxT Dedicated Stream

If you do get the time and resources to release some content, it will be appreaciated, if not; you better look like Hercules! Btw, what is that sound wave sample?

Hurry everything is already been explored,the hype ia dying down and its only been 2 days! Save us general!! :frowning:

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Played almost five hours yesterday on stream. Feels good to be back in action! I still got it! Stream archive here http://www.twitch.tv/automattock/b/372192185

Unstickied 'till I’m back stateside

brb <3

I’m looking forward to this being back up and running :slight_smile:

total newb here - thanks for your videos JiBbo!

Jibbo is back guys, as of 10/29/13 he’s streamed TWO NIGHTS IN A ROW :open_mouth: