Jesus Christ, Guile gives me so much grief

I feel like there’s nothing I can do against him. His sonic booms keep me out. If I try to jump I get flash kicked, if I try to walk forward between booms I get hit with another sonic boom. If I try to poke I get outpoked at close range. When I get close it just seems like Guile’s buttons beat mine and I can’t get any kind of offense started. I can’t even knock the bitch down! Like, what the fuck?

This matchup is fucking hard as balls for me and it feels really fucking hopeless. I’m actually contemplating dropping Vega so I can have an easier time against Guile. I keep getting matched up with this player named GrimyDawg and he keeps whooping my ass with Guile. Instead of keep taking L’s I would like to know what the fuck I should be doing.

Dropping Vega because of one other character? Dont do it buddy. I toyed with the idea for 2 seconds when I couldnt beat a Mika to save my life, but I refuse. I cant let go. A defensive guile, or anyone with a projectile, can be a PITA to get in on. However, just be patient. I have been trying to exercise that as well. I feel when someone is ranked defensive, I have to jump in and put the hurt on. Turns out I play into their hand. Make him come to you. Throw all the sonic booms you want. Ill either V-skill through them, or neutral jump. Make him do some work. Dont do his work for him.


Don’t for get EX roll to go through booms to catch them out and to apply pressure

I think Guile is the most difficult match-up so far. There’s basically nothing you can do about the sonic booms meterless - except guess with a good jump or block and get nowhere.

Even with meter, ex roll is way too slow for it to be a real threat…and again, you just have to guess and use it.

Worse thing is, when you’re actually in…Guile has V-meter and that makes this match-up so much worse. He’ll use V-reversal and restart the whole neutral again - that you worked so hard to get in through. It’s bullshit.

Either him or Laura.

Try to stay midrange, walk forward and block Booms. Poke to entice him to stay active in the fight for space. This way, you’ll move him closer to the corner. Then you’ll either move into a range where he’s not comfortable throwing Booms and switches to his normals or you can get him to throw a close Boom which you can stuff or trade with slide or a claw poke. If he’s always throwing Booms no matter what you should be able to just block one and jump from mid range. Max range Jump MK will still leave you in range for HP xx Stance Change > crMP xx Wall Dive so it’s a pretty strong tool in this match up. Also you really don’t have to be shutting down his fireballs at all times. I feel like that’s what kills everyone against Guile. Block, walk forward, neutral jump, and whiff normals to get a feel for his patterns and make a read.

So basically you beat his fireball by playing footsies. Not saying Guile isn’t a difficult to fight, but the only quick and dirty advice for beating him is to level up your spacing and adaptation.

In my opinion, there is no consistent way to beat high-level Guile players. You have to guess with a jump or a random dash forward to get your offense started, both of which can be interrupted if Guile is ready.

His V-skill into slow Sonic boom will either force you into the corner or will force you to block for some nasty Guile setups.

His V-reversal will easily reset the neutral game…and give him great advantage again.

I no longer play Vega for this match-up. I’ve given up on it.

I lost to the chinese player who beat Nuki in this match at Asia Last Chance qualifiers. I should have used Juri, cause he blatantly counter picked. It’s really hard.

I wouldn’t even compete in tournaments in the current build - cos the changes coming up are so significant.

And dude it’s 8 hours of footage - how are we supposed to find you lol

I timed stamped it wrong, 2:51:00

I hate it when Guiles get that comfortable space and spam sonic boom. It happened in the second game. Even Air V-trigger isn’t fast enough for his recovery sometimes man.

Sadly this matchup is only gonna get worse, especially if it’s true about him getting 2 bars of V-trigger.
Vega struggles against his normal fireballs - and if he’s able to trigger twice in one round, it’s game over.

Yeah I made plenty of errors also due to not playing much when I went to this tournament since work keeps me busy. Missed a big CC opportunity, dropped a jump in combo. Sonic booms you cant really do shit too but guess. You can’t even react to hadoukens with a jump, sonic booms are impossible.

I felt that at 2:58:40

Guile did not need a two bar v-trigger.


Guile is definitely one of the hardest matches in SFV for Vega. I would stay in the range of his fwd HP and opt to crouch a lot to make it whiff and to block his booms. One of the strongest things to do in the neutral is go clawless and use your cr hp (buffer lk roll) to whiff punish his key normals. To get in that range if you just sit and block you can inch forward pretty consistently. If you see a v skill though you can actually slide punish that very easily and get a meaty on him to start the pressure.

Once you are on the offense you should be trying to corner him and keep him there with cr mk range and checking his buttons and booms with cr lp.

Also try to save your v trigger and super for the big kill since it’s a lot of work to get guile to ko when at low health.

I have more stuff on this but I’ll post a youtube video soon about this match up cause I want to help other Vega’s with his bad match ups.


Video would be much appreciated

Look like Capcom heard ya. It’s back to 2.