If the japanese reject the game because it’s not home grown or arcade released then it’s their loss, who cares? It’s not like their ST scene is keeping yours alive. New players like me will be wanting to get into old SF because of this game regardless of whether the japanese play the game.
I’m sure if they don’t play it and those that come over for EVO get whupped, youtubed and sent home with their tails between their legs it’ll get them playing.
Console install base notwithstanding the japanese picked up AE (even replaced st for awhile right?) so I see no reason they wouldn’t pick up remixed mode as well. At this point everyone is 99% sure classic mode will be the best port of st ever and judging from the character balancing on capcoms blog remixed mode looks to replace st entirely. So call me naive or whatever but IMO remixed mode will effectively replace st here and in japan.
It’s very ignorant to think japan has no knowledge of the american fighting game scene/status, they got people who come here for evo just as we have people who go there for sbo I doubt much gets lost in the translation, though I could be wrong.
Even so I hope japan gets a few cabs of remixed mode to get widespread exposure within their scene…and send one to me so I can learn to DP:sweat:
Oh wow, how did I not see this before?! I always thought I was the only person who was interested in this.
I’ve mentioned a few times in the FGD megathread that I hope the Japanese get an arcade release for it as soon as they figure out what they’re missing out on. I can’t imagine porting it would be that difficult!
If SFHD turns out to be even half as cool as it sounds like it will, the majority of the North American SF2 scene will switch over to it. I hope the the rest of the world does too.
I agree with anyone who says we should be doing our own thing, doing what’s best for us, and being less concerned with what the Japanese players are doing… but I’m positive that everyone thinks it’s cool when ST players come over from Japan for Evo, and I wouldn’t want that to stop.
Supposedly they really don’t have a clue about it yet… apparently it has not yet received any attention in their media, and I don’t think they’ve noticed the gameplay footage circulating the English side of the internet. I’ll bet all it would take is a half-page mention in Famitsu and they’d be screaming for it. Heck, when the Arcadia magazine does its (little) spread on Evo 2008, that might do it right there.
We’ll have to wait until it’s done, I suppose. Fingers crossed!
I’m sure they’re aware of what the top scenes are, but I think you’re kidding yourself if you think they care as much about our scene as we do about their’s. Especially when our’s is considerably worse than their’s on average.
I mean, how much do you care about the Spanish or German Street Fighter scenes? Or even the Australian/British ones for that matter? Even though they have some good english speaking players.
Seriously though, how about because it’s a new game? because time and effort is going into making it balanced and fun? If it’s even 80% of what ST was it’ll be worth playing.
It won’t be popular because they won’t be able to play it in the arcade not because ‘they have arcade ST’. If capcom japan was hyping it up and it was going into all the arcades like any other new fighting game it would stand a chance but it doesn’t. Obviously it’s not aimed at japanese arcade players though because if it was, that’s what would be happening.
Out of curiosity, does anyone know if it’s getting a simultaneous worldwide release?
I still find it funny that people think we are on par with Japan in certain games because we do well on console vs them at EVO. Night and day when they play arcade version. WHat I really mean, is that the Japanese LAUGH at us taking console seriously. I guess when you have no arcade scene, what can ya do?
I don’t think it’s that really. Part of the problem with ST is that it’s incredibly difficult to find a thriving scene for it in North America. Most of our top ST players that you see at EVO every year don’t play the game exclusively like a lot of the Japanese ones do.
Outside of Afrolegend, the Wolfe Bros. and NKI, I can’t think of many that are mostly known for ST; the rest, like Valle, Watson, Choi, etc., only tend to play ST seriously when EVO season rolls around.