Japanese Reaction to STHD?

Those are pretty much my qualms as well. Anyone know when it’ll be released, or is that still TBA?
I view upcoming releases like SFHD and SF4 with cautious skepticism. If the games turn out good and we find they don’t suck, then great! All the better, they surpassed expectations. I just don’t tend to get hyped up about something that we don’t know will be actually good or bad until we’ve played it for a while.

Im gonna be pretty upset when hawk becomes top tier and people start whoring him just because of that. I hate people who’ll pick someone who they previously hated / didnt play just because hes good

If the Old schoolers do get pissed, I still bet that Daigo can woo them into playing this game.

Come on Daigo has played almost every single SF game, and he has been great in every game. You just can’t beat that kind of competitiveness. As long as he plays (or someone like him), there will be some kind of crowd holding on.

From ryu -> ken -> urien -> sagat -> guile-> boxer -> cammy -> chun li -> vega -> whoever. The guy just adapts and still gets a kick out of whatever game. Although i thought that Capcom Fighting Jam really was a disappointment, he just played it and kicked ass in it.

Yes it’s obvious, I don’t want Super Turbo to die…

With all the money that Microsoft has poured into making the 360 popular in Japan, it would be stupid not to release their version of a game that is more alive in Japan then anywhere else.

Capcom should release a quality ST stick along with a disc based SFHD game.

you guys are wack. dont act like this isn’t some little world of ours cause it is. same with them. we have a fan base and so do they. just because there are newer games lined up at their place doesn’t mean nobody plays ST. they hold tourney just like we do. they have top players just like we do. rewind back to 2000 2001 2002 when it was super competitive. now fast forward to today. we still have the same top people playing and have new people stepping up. STHD isn’t going to suck over here, and it sure as hell wont suck over there - for the fanbase, anyways. if you think its dead, might as well say its dead over here because its’ just the same

Curiosity check: In the first place, who the hell has a X360 in Japan? Considering the low, low quantity of these consoles available, I doubt that the game will ever take off there.

Great point. Japanese nationalism on product preference SONY>MICROSOFT (directly affecting HD remix).

Oh well. Maybe in a world where hope is possible… THERE WILL BE a PS3 port. HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Not much PS3 consoles in Japan as well, though more than 360.

The biggest problem for the home market in Japan is the game being released on said consoles. There simply isn’t the same console penetration at this point we had with PS2, and the only console that has the potential to approach PS2 sales is Wii, and it isn’t getting HD remix.

Uhh…it is coming out for both the Xbox360 and PS3. So what’s the problem? :confused:

Didn’t I just outline the problem?


Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix (X360)

Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix (PS3)

Release Date: TBA


At this point it is pretty clear that people will be playing this game. Yes there will be tournaments and competitions.

What is really in doubt is the question of “WILL IT BE AS BIG AS SSF2T?”. Oh and i bet the Japanese top tier players will play this game, come on man after 2 decades of playing SF why the hell would they stop playing just because some parts of the game have been revised? Yes and they will still be kicking arse. Mastering all those kara/chain cancels similar to Just frame moves take hours and experience, they surely will not flush that down the drain (that’s assuming that they still have time considering their age and familial conditions; they are pretty old right? As in father-phase stages old.

On the other hand there is no doubt that the American players will be playing this game. Given that the Japanese and American ST players share a good relationship as expressed by EVO we really should not be worrying about HD’s appeal or playability.

Come on guys be happy, this is practically a game that enables you to get a head start from the newcomers of the game. You will have a chance to show the noobs who’s boss while you teach 'em the ins and out of the game by kicking their arse. Cant wait for this to come out, I practically missed out on the whole ST scene back in the day. I would not mind losing a lot too since i am practically a newbie in ST.

Yes. And judging by our post times(mere seconds apart) you posted that while I was typing my message :rofl:

Anyway, while the penetration might not be as large, I suspect a lot of people will eventually buy a PS3 or 360 over there. Afterall, the kids are gonna want there Final Fantasy 13. Plus, are the fighting game heads really never going to play SF4 at home? I chalk a lot of the current lack in sales due to the higher than normal price point of this generations consoles. They’ll come down eventually.

PS3 - 800 DLS U.S.

XBOX360 - 600 DLS U.S.

In Mexico =(

No next gen. system for me lol !!!

PS3 maybe, 360 no chance.

The two consoles are simply too big and too expensive. If STHD is going to do well it needs an arcade release in Japan.

Eventually the prices will drop, but by that time it may be too late.

Well firstly Capcom have stated they have no plans to release the game as DLC in Japan yet (why they wouldn’t I have no idea, but there you go), and secondly if it doesn’t get an arcade release you can forget about the top Japanese ST players regarding it as anything but a curiosity.

who cares?
maybe Japan should stop being so self-centered in gaming.

order one on the internet

I doubt Japan will want to play it, and its their loss. The last thing the Japanese wanna see are non Japanese taking something from them saying, “we can do it better”. Even if its far better in every way, they won’t play it because its not Japanese. And thats why Japanese gamers suck balls and I stopped playing Japanese games. (SF4 doesn’t count if its good).

1.5 million PS3s sold in Japan, and 500k 360s sold

that’s 2 million people in Japan with the ability to play this game

but they still won’t