US opinion on Japanese opinion on Skullgirls?
If you are reading this Japan, can I get a shoutout in your thread?
And does Rockefeller really sound like 6 blowjobs in Japanese?
US opinion on Japanese opinion on Skullgirls?
If you are reading this Japan, can I get a shoutout in your thread?
And does Rockefeller really sound like 6 blowjobs in Japanese?
No where is safe.
Wow crazy, translate?
I’m at a complete loss and find this thread hilarious
of course japan likes to abbreviate everything so they probably dropped the “tio”
regardless, the name sounds like a guy getting sodomized in english.
Is that image with this thread photoshopped in a meme or something? The three posts below it culminate in a guy saying american games suck except for graphics, they’d never be able to make a serious fighting game, etc.
I’ve been reading the 2ch thread, and it’s pretty much a parallel to the general thread here, with people wondering about the EU/AU release date swapped with people wondering if the game’s ever coming out period in Japan and/or getting a package release. People really dig the character design and animation, they think Marie is cheap, they wish more people went through the trouble of making a US account to buy the game so they could play people with low pings, they wish there were movelists/a better training mode, etc. Same stuff, pretty much.
Oh guys, I asked Fubarduck. Rockefeller does indeed sound like “6 blowjobs” in Japanese.
lol most japanese players whore out iron man like there’s no tomorrow. It always entertains me when people act like they’re all low tier heroes
To be fair most American players think Iron Man is B- at best
MiyagiShin is trolling, that’s just a copy/paste of the image posted earlier. Try harder.
Nah son the japanese believe iron man is “Ghostface Killa Pretty Tony Niggas Gettin Mad Cuz I Look Like Jesus Christ” tier. I think “team japan” is something like iron man sentinel and storm and when they get that single hit they will kill your entire team without hesitation.
Fun fact: Iron Man shoots to S-tier if you set the game to level-1 damage since doing a long infinite becomes more rewarding than relying on Mags style resets. Not sure if this applies to Japan though.
So do Strider and Spiral.
Actually, I believe Cl0ckwork finds that Strider isn’t as effective with level 1 damage, or at least his team isn’t. He ran some sets when he was over here in the Phils a few years back and lost 7 straight games.
If people post images like these, please offer a translation. I CANNOT READ THIS.