Ct, Sunday January 15th,The Waterbury Tournament aka Project-Esco Nasty Returns!!!
-This will be held on Sunday January 15th , Doors open around 1pm for Casual, Tournament starts at 3:00pm HOPEFULLY!!! depending if everyone is on time.
-Game-UMVC3 will be $10.00 entry fee for pot. Last tournament was only 5.00 due to the turn-out but it will be 10.00 this time. There will be some SSF4AE casuals if extra set ups are available.
-Food update- There is always water available at the studio. There are a lot of restaurants around the area so I don’t mind if you bring food. HOWEVER, please eat your food in the lobby, it is a dance studio so I have to keep it clean.
Rules: Double Elimination, Best of 3 matches, Finals Best of 5 matches. Each match 2 out of 3 rounds
Parking: There is parking all in front of my studio and in the upper deck lot. Please be mindful that the parking is shared with other businesses so if parking is full, please park in the upper deck.
Fee: $5 venue fee + $10 tournament fee = $15 total to play
Hardware: XBOX 360 and PS3 **Bring your own stick!!!, they will be played on Lagless monitors. If you want to bring a set-up for casuals you are more than welcome.
When: Sunday January 15th , 2012. Open at 1pm and will try to start the tournament at 3:00pm HOPEFULLY!!!
Where: LGJ Performing Arts Center, 23 Framingham Dr, Waterbury CT 06705. Next to the Porn shop on the lower level.
Payout: 70/20/10
OTHER STUFF: At this time, the tourney will be for UMVC3 only… but I may do an AE tournament in the future…at this time its just UMVC3…
SMOKERS!!! I have no problem with smoking on front of the studio. HOWEVER, I will provide an Ash tray for the butts. There was a lot of butts on the parking lot that took me a few minutes to pick up. So please DON’T throw them on the floor.
Everyone is Welcome. I would love to see some Out of State UMVC3 gamers show . If you need help finding the place Call me, if you have questions, call me. If you just want to Talk Mahvel. call me too 203-525-9612.
Hopefully everyone will be on time for the tournament to start at 3:00pm I can delay the tournament at least until 3:30pm but anything longer than that would be unfair to the people that made it on time. If everyone is just running late then I will just play it by ear….again