Japanese/Team Battle Tournament
[LEFT]Date: 1/14/2012[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Next Level[/LEFT]
[LEFT]4013 8th Ave[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Brooklyn, NY 11232[/LEFT]
LEFT 618 - 8813[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Xbox 360: SSF4 Arcade Edition 2012[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Xbox 360: Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Time Table:[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Causal game play: 12pm-6pm[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Registration: 5pm-6pm[/LEFT]
[LEFT]UMVC3 brackets start at 6:00pm[/LEFT]
[LEFT]SSFE AE brackets start at 6:30pm[/LEFT]
[LEFT]-SSF4 AE 2012 (Single Elimination, 1 Game, 3/5 Rounds, Character Locked) Entry Fee: $3 per person[/LEFT]
[LEFT]-SSF4 AE 2012 Teams (2v2, Double Elimination, Waseda-style, Character Locked) Entry Fee: $10 per team[/LEFT]
-UMVC3 (Double Elimination, 1 Game, Character/Assist Locked) Entry Fee: $5 per person
-UMVC3 Teams [LEFT](2v2, Double Elimination,[/LEFT][LEFT]Waseda-style,[/LEFT]Character/Assist Locked[LEFT]) Entry Fee: $10 per team[/LEFT]
[LEFT]-Seeding/Bracketing: Random (Using Challonge)[/LEFT]
[LEFT]-Prizes: 70/20/10% of entry fee split for top 3, if less than 16 players 70/30 of entry fee split for top 2)[/LEFT]
[LEFT]-Venue Fee: $10 (Covers for the entire day, so you can come earlier for casuals!)[/LEFT]
[LEFT]*Note: If you’re going to be late to the event, please call the store and leave your name and when you’ll be arriving![/LEFT]
Facebook link: http://www.facebook.com/events/218545284895872/