Jago/Ross First To Fraud

Where’s jarang?

I agree with this 100%. Although chances are 99% of the time the organizer has nothing to do with it, thrown matches and pot splitting calls into question the legitimacy of the event organizer. Thrown matches especially can manipulate tournament results not just to the players involved in thrown matches, but everyone else they go on to play afterward and this tends to make tournament goers angry. As an event organizer, it sucks having participants angry.

Also, if you’ve spent ANY amount of time around Andre, it’s clear he’s a troll, and so much of what he does is based solely on the fact that idiots watch what he does, and he knows he can get attention for it.

Attention leads to money… free games… free sticks… a pretty slick FC letterman jacket… free flights places…

It’s all for you guys :lol:

Also- Thanks for the recap, because I definitely didn’t know about ANY of that shit. Guys, there’s a big world out there. Plenty of fun things to do… girls… REAL money…

And hell, people are dying in Syria right now… outrage over Mike Ross though?

the FGC has been clowning the “esports” scene for a while… ridiculing their “golf claps” (or lack of “hype”, “rawness”) and their business side of things aka “selling out”

now that the community gets exposure to money and other means of making them (besides legit competition), it starts to show its immaturity and flaws

there was never a problem with “esports” (umbrella term for misguided hate in the FGC), games like Starcraft has the tradition and more mature demographics required for not derailing into crap and fake drama… it’s more about how unprepared the FGC is for professionalism and integrity (outside of tournament organizers who are mostly commendable and well intended).

now ontopic: recent rivalries have always been FOR FUN, most people are friends outside of the game (shocking i know) and trash talking was mostly light hearted and spontaneous…

still having this “rehearsaled” Mike Ross - Jago fabricated hype is kind of lame in the sense it was too premeditated for “marketing” reasons

it’s all about dat #pay-puh

there is something bigger happening at play…



Bit hard to spend “ANY amount of time” around Andre when you don’t even live in the same country.

This shit needs to stop.

You’re implying people don’t already have money and girls, in addition to playing videogames?

People are dying every second. Fuck Syria, and fuck Mike Ross for ruining an enjoyable stream.

As someone who knows people who have suffered as a result of the conflict over there, FUCK YOU for this comment.

Jago did not fake it. He does suck in SFXT.

I don’t think the matched were ever scripted because Jago plain IS better than Mike at Marvel, and Jago is very unimpressive at SxT, compared to Mike who is probably one of the best there is right now, in casuals he was beating everyone, including Combofiend and Ryan Hart. Mike has had lots of experience with the game and understand the mechanics back to front because he’s a complete fan of the game, while the other players still don’t have an understanding of the fundamentals.

Jago wasn’t tagging out because Mike consistently punished tags with 50% combos all the time, and sometimes even punishing when people were about to tag out. It was hilarious seeing Jago criticise Mike when commentating while Mike was playing, Spooky had been talking for the past couple hours about how free Mike was, but then when he watched Mike fight he started saying “man maybe this fight not be as free as you think Jago”, because he was playing a much more solid game.

Also: Anyone who thinks the Jago and Mike rivalry was anything but an act is an idiot. I think the way Jago acted on CC:live was real, because he likes perpetuating that retarded persona where he’s meant to be a “cool bad guy”. But then I think after that Goot and Mike talked to Jago about it afterwards, instead of being cry babies they decided to ham it up a bit and generate hype. It was a fun way to promote bar fights and to be honest, Mike never really hammed it up as much as Jago did.

Jago: “I’m Mike’s demon, I will always beat him. Look at that shit shirt he’s wearing. Mike sucks. Yadda yadda yadda” stupidly over the top acting
Mike: doesn’t ever talk about how Jago was a dick on CC:live and then after the bar fights blow up “yeah, he beat me at a game I don’t even play. Who cares?” He didn’t play it up anywhere near as much as Jago did.

also Aquasilk mauled Jago on his own show with Zangief (in AE)

but when you talk about rehearsed gestures and “it’s all about that paper”, you cast a shadow of a doubt on the results (no matter how clear they are) and raise the possibility of the money given by Twitch being split

Jago has been mauled by way worse players than Aquasilk with Gief… Really a lot of people are being quite childish about all this drama, and that’s what happens when Arturo presents it like this huge secret. If he never filmed it, most people would have assumed the truth anyway that they were just horsing around.

Before anyone else comments on this bullshit, watch the Spooky stream from yesterday around 10 minutes in,

See normally I would move this thread but I’m not going to.