"Jackpot!" Cody Combo Thread

ive been messin’ around with this combo but i cant seem to link it all together

nj.fp, c.fp xx f.CU > fadc, lp xx rh.RK > fadc U1

i can fadc into a jab but i cannt cancel it to ruffian but im sure it is possible.
im sure you could also add a another jab or 2 or possible lk.
can someone verify and record dmg plz??
it might not be worth the risk (or dmg) but i think it would look bad A

edit: i think i just did it (lol)
17 hits 439 dmg -_- haha

If it hasn’t been mentioned already…It’s worth noting that you can AA trade hk ruff into forward dash Ultra 1. Similar to Viper.

Glad you guys like the thread… :blush:

already in there… jump in combo section. Subtract 20 damage and 100 stun from all those combos and you get how much damage you will do.

Working on it… I just moved into a new place, no internet at home yet, but I think I’ll get something for tonight and then be able to update the thread.

Thanks for the contribution yeb, I will add this stuff right quick here

That I did not know. I’ll add that in too

Brilliant. Amazing. Fantastic. Spectacular. Need I say more? Thank you so very much Sakeido- certainly one of the most precise, informative and valuable threads posted on these forums. Thanks again!

P.S. feel free to construct a similar thread for Dudley :slight_smile:

glad you like it. I hate all these ghetto improvised combo threads everybody has… there isn’t even that much work that goes into a list like this, if you can do all the combos on your first or second try. I always liked how Akuma players had trag’s combo thread… then I hated how Abel players got a day one list, and then nothing.

I could do one for Dudley too because I have fun playing him… but I trust in Kikuijiuijiamonji. He’s a smart guy and could probably do it himself :lol:

very informative, thanks sakeido!!! (aka some dude from Calgary)

j.mk, st.mp, Cr.mp xx EX bingo FADC, F.HK, ex CU DMg: 377 , Stun: 595

Quick question- what are you guys using to plink the cr.lp cr.lp ~ cr. mp link?
I’ve been trying to figure it out- lp won’t work 'cause you get lp lp lp instead, same with lk, and mk is focus attack. Am I missing something really obvious here?

You don’t necessarily need to plink this combo because it is rather easy to do normally. If you want to plink it then its cr. mp ~ cr. lp. If you are getting lp then you are doing the plink incorrectly.

It’s not necessarily your hitting the p-link incorrectly so long as you get the input display to show {mp lp}
{ mp}
but your doing it too fast and missing the link in general. Their are a lot of way to do cr.lp, cr.lp, cr.mp
what works for me is to cancel the two jabs quickly in to each other then slight pause p-link cr.mp~cr.lp
I hope that helps.

ps. just landed cr.lp st.lp cr.mp “hk ruff” FADC ULTRA 1 for the first time in an online match felt so good as an ex bison mainer this FADC quarter circle ultra stuff has been hard on me but I’m getting it little by little.

Amaaaaazing thread.

I wish someone would make a list like this for other characters too. It’s a pain in the ass trying to gather all this info scattered around sometimes.

This thread makes it so much easier to get in training and practice.

Amaaaaazing thread.

I wish someone would make a list like this for other characters too. It’s a pain in the ass trying to gather all this info scattered around sometimes.

This thread makes it so much easier to get in training and practice.

Testing out those Corner specific Combos.

me explaining myself

[details=Spoiler]Record + Playback is useful and it also displays some WEIRD shit like for example.

Recorded myself doing (J.MK c.lp c.lp c.mp xx jab-CU Ex-CU) on Ryu in the corner. Play back and it works, move onto Ken - Playback and it works but on a handful of toons (esp. the newer cast members) the ex-cu of the playback wouldn’t come out for some reason. So i went back to Ryu and the combo came out with ex-CU being executed. weird shit. So that means this list below is just partially tested with only one timing of the combo mentioned above. Those other toons will need a new combo played back with a different timing to test out if they can or cannot be comboed with ex-CU after a jab-CU combo finisher in the corner.[/details]

jab-CU to EX-CU combo info - WHO IT DOESNT WORK ON

Corner Specific:
C.LP (up to 2 times, 3 on a few), C.MP xx LP-CU, EX-CU
Does NOT work on - E. Honda, Sakura, Akuma, Gen, C.Viper, El Fuerte, Juri, Cammy, Dee Jay, Guy, Claw, Chun-Li, Fei Long, Adon[/details]

If you know for sure that I got something wrong please mention it :smiley:

ex-ruffian kick random information

Ex-Ruffian Kick

People it crosses under on Hit at point-Blank to Mid Range (aka not at max range): Seth, Gouken, Akuma, Gen, Abel, Sagat, Hakan, Zangeif, Vega (CLAW), Boxer, T.Hawk [/details]

For his c.lp, c.lp, c.mp xx CU, I found the link requires you to slow down the medium punch input. You can do this combo easily without double tapping or plinking. Just hit up training mode, and find the right speed to do it at, then keep practicing it until it becomes second nature. Naturally you’re going to try to press it faster than you should during a match (at least I do), and that will end with your medium punch not coming out at all. Once you get it down, you can expect to do around 200 damage for every c.lp you manage to hit confirm and turn into the combo, which is pretty amazing.

Another cool trick is to do the c.lp, c.lp wait a second and press c.mp xx CU. It’s kind of like a frame trap to bait counters. I’m bad at explaining this stuff though. Great thread.

quick question:

i’ve been having trouble doing lp CU, ex CU in the corner. Sometimes it lands, sometimes it doesn’t. Any advice?

just messing around in training w/things to do after RHRuff…fadc & whatnot

& as always if its been mentioned before, srry(didnt see it in this thread)

but yeah you can zonk it up after the fadc & near the corner you can tag on EXcrimupper… bingo!
exzonk works too but its not really too jackpot since you just used 2meter on the RHRuff>fadc :razz:

anyway, heres what i ended up being satisfied w/:

towards corner:
[428/660] (3) j.RH > st.strong > cr.strong xx RHRuff > FADC > Fierce BINGO > EX CriminalUpper


if you plink the mp in the c.lp, c.lp, c.mp combo and you hit the buttons too soon, you will get another jab instead of your crouching strong so it gives you another chance to hit c.mp. Sometimes the jab will magically become cancelable as well, and fierce criminal will still combo off it.

buff combo! I’m going to test that one out when I get home

hey sakeido (or sabre or any of the other 20 pros who are all using cody right now), can you post your thoughts on cody’s best and safest blockstrings? including ones with CH bait (these aren’t totally safe then right, they would lose to a mashed dp for instance?)

thx :china:
but a short stint of trying to land it in ranked reminded me that i forgot an important tenet of RHRuff…

so back to the cell it was & this is what i came up w/… a rediculous combo: :rofl::sweat:

470,740 j.Fierce > st.strong > (1frame)cr.Fierce xx RHRuff > FADC > Jab BINGO > EX CriminalUpper

also: ive been testing these on ryu & this last one on crouching dummy. i usually start w/him just to the right of the 3rd block from the center line in training

ill post up some numbers from some more applicable generics for your OP in a few :tup:

edit: here they are

bingo juggles(floats?)

[388,586] (3) s.Fierce xx RHRuff >FADC > jab BINGO >EX CriminalUpper
[346,444] (1) standing or AA RHRuff > Fierce BINGO > EX CriminalUpper

& the biggest waste of 3 bars you could imagine:

**[260,350] standing or AA RHRuff > FADC > EX ZONK **(not so jackpot :sad:)[/details]

does anything else even connect after bingo? :coffee:

Just a little note for Ultra Setups in case people didn’t know. You can EX cancel out of his Zonk Knuckle into Ultra 1