"Jab Strong Fierce" Casual SF IV Tourney - Alhambra, CA - 4/25/09

210 East Main St
Alhambra, CA 91801

Nucleus is hosting a Street Fighter tribute exhibition and will be throwing an opening reception on April 25th. In addition to a cosplay contest and raffle, they will also run an SF IV tourney. Here are the details:


SF4 Tournament Details (Sponsored by EVO)

* $35 entry fee (purchase and apply at the top of the page)
* X-box controllers will be provided but you can bring your own joysticks
* 32 players max (sign up early to reserve a spot)
* *Best 2 out of 3 matches
* entry form and registration ticket available online. No refunds will be issued in case of absence
* players will be matched at random
* Games will be played on projectors

The reason why we’re making it 1 match only is because we only have a couple of hours allotted to the tournament. To be honest, it’s more about getting people hyped about SF IV than anything else. Yeah, I know the $35 entry fee is pretty steep, but the prize money and items are guaranteed.

1st prize: $500, free udon book, free game, exclusive I am 8-bit merchandise
2nd prize: $200, free udon book, exclusive I am 8-bit merchandise
3rd prize: $100, exclusive I am 8-bit merchandise
4th prize: 25$ Nucleus gift certificate

Remember, it’s first come, first serve, and you have to sign up here. No refunds, so think about it before entering.

BTW, for those who’ve entered some of the Cal Poly Pomona tournaments, I’m the old tournament organizer of the Games Room, and I’ll be running this tourney.

35 bucks for a “CASUAL” tourney?

pretty intense

What will you be providing us with and what platform?

hi warren.

$35 tournament sounds delicious to me.

Signed up.

Gonna be playing on the 360. The owner of the gallery is trying to get a hold of some joysticks. Not sure which ones he’s trying to get. If we can’t get joysticks, then it looks like we’re going with the standard 360 controls. :confused:

i think its pretty bogus about not bringing your own sticks to the tournament
that and coupled with the fact that there is a chance that it will be run on STANDARD 360 controls which is not the norm for console tournaments
just my two cents
good luck

cool, nucleus is 30 seconds from my house. too bad this isn’t an hdr tournament, but i’ll still show up to watch.

wtf kind of tournament doesn’t let you bring your own sticks? especially if none are going to be made available to the players. that’s pretty balls.

Tournament Details (Sponsored by EVO)

$35 entry fee (purchase and apply at the top of the page)

**X-box controllers will be provided but you can bring your own joysticks **

32 players max (sign up early to reserve a spot)
*Best 2 out of 3 matches

entry form and registration ticket available online. No refunds will be issued in case of absence
players will be matched at random
Games will be played on projectors

not sure what you guys are mixed up about, but it states on the site you CAN bring your own stick…

ill go and watch but 360 controllers wow…

i was going with what he said here, along with the “do not bring your own joysticks” in the original post. this is pretty hype for whoever plays sf4, that’s a nice pot to go after. nucleus has a lot of cool stuff too, whoever is coming might want to bring a few extra bucks in case they see some random cool nic-nac.

Can you bring a PS2 controller with its XBox converter?

35 bucks is pretty ridiculous, but I’ll show up for the raffles and to watch. Fun!

Okayyy… looks like the owner changed a couple of the rules without informing me. I’m gonna have to clear things up with him.

Originally, we decided on the standard controllers just to keep things on a level playing field. We’re expecting casuals to sign up for this tourney, so it wouldn’t be fair to them if they played against a veteran with a custom joystick.

He put an asterisk next to the “Best 2 out of 3 matches” so I’m gonna have to ask him what that’s all about.

I’m gonna say yes to that, but if that changes, I’ll let you know.

Tournament details updated in original post. Refer to the “Street Fighter tribute exhibition” link in the original post for up-to-date info.

does not compute

But let’s be real here. How many “casuals” are going to pay 35 bucks to enter a tournament like this? Any casuals who do sign up clearly know what they’re paying for: an ass whippin.

im gonna have to agree with the above comment.

too much for my blood