Ixion's Dan at Scandinavian Edge, Sweden's Street Fighter 25th Anniversary Qualifier

What happened after you were knocked into losers?

Don’t worry Ixion, our time will come.

I fought the asian-looking player from Italy called DaFeetLee I believe, and lost both my matches… but I could have taken him, I’m quite convinced I’m better than him. I guess I’ve just fought too few smart Cammy players so I was unused to the fact that Cammy can do tk. EX Cannon Strike just about anywhere and -especially- at places where it feels like you have the pressure. For instance after I’ve done a well spaced EX Danku that was blocked, he just hit me with that and made tons of dämusch. Also, I find it really difficult to block Cammy’s empty jump shorts because I spend so much energy in blocking her jumpin the correct way, and then she just… lands and does cr.LK > cr.LP > cr.MP xx H. Spilal Allow. It’s just really tricky, and he did some clever stuff like jump LP to grab, I was like O_O … I had never experienced that before, and I am so afraid to tech against Cammy because of her EX Cannon Strikes… And I most probably underestimated him, I have a tendency to do that unfortunately… the best is probably to just start point blank and then get a perspective of how good the player is by analyzing what he does… instead of thinking “This will go easy” or whatever.


nah man you did good!

The fact that you got this far in a continental major is awesome. You pretty much showed the world that Dan can hang with the top brass. My friends tell me to drop Dan, I say “Fuck that.” and I point to Ixion.

Awh… you just made my day, man. :slight_smile: