Iwaku Roleplaying Community

You are invited to Iwaku, a community designed to bring out ones creativeness and allow them to relax and enter a world of their making. Iwaku is a site whose focus is dealing with Role Playing,and I wish to invite all authors and writers to participate.

This is a excellent atmosphere for those to start a Role-Play within a Street Fighter, King of Fighters, or Dark Stalkers Universe. There are more then enough members to interact with , while giving you a chance to create your own imaginary worlds and play out your dreams within them.There is Good humour and hilarious antics amongst the members , so you shouldn’t have a problem setting yourself up.

Here is a link to our international community :


Go here. It’s good for you!

Iwaku Street Fighter Campaign

We opened a new Street Fighter Role-Play in the Parody Forum , if you have any questions about how to join feel free to ask.

Here is a Link to the Street Fighter campaign that was started a few days ago :
