I've covered wars y'know - Frank West thread

Holy fuck that crossup at 1:48

Most spoiler tags in Op are to keep them concise and not create an immovable text wall

Yea i wish seth had gotten more in depth, but I guess with the ultimate assist me videos now he can just give a brief overview of the character and not worry as much about leaving the more serious players out to dry.

I might have to pick this guy up, he seems pretty legit.


<object id=“vid_4eab48768e88c57584000037” class=“ign-videoplayer” width=“480” height=“270” data=“http://media.ign.com/ev/prod/embed.swf” type=“application/x-shockwave-flash”><param name=“movie” value=“http://media.ign.com/ev/prod/embed.swf” /><param name=“allowfullscreen” value=“true” /><param name=“allowscriptaccess” value=“always” /><param name=“bgcolor” value="#000000" /><param name=“flashvars” value=“url=http://www.ign.com/videos/2011/10/31/ultimate-marvel-vs-capcom-3-rocket-raccoon-trailer?objectid=113704”/></object><div style=“width:480px”><a href=“http://www.ign.com/videos/2011/10/31/ultimate-marvel-vs-capcom-3-rocket-raccoon-trailer?objectid=113704”>More Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Videos</a></div>

1:10 - Drinking turns one level photos into two level photos. (Also it shows that zombies can hold for a long time!)
1:24 - I’m tempted to believe drinking is time based, similar to Arthur’s Gold armor gimmick. :c

edit : Thulius and I came up with the theory that Frank get’s better exp points off of combos into camera shot instead of just random snaps.

After watching this: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/frank-west-ultimate-marvel/723320 gameplay trailer, i noticed a few things:

Frank pushes a shopping cart towards the opponent on one of his assists. It doesnt seem to knock them into the air
Frank’s paddlesaw normals do chip damage and have gigantic hitboxes

While Frank is drunk (maybe some of these things dont require him to drink, but as of now is hard to know):

Frank’s “machine gun plunger” can be used in midair, and it also stop his air momentum and can link into his air normals after
Frank levels up TWICE after taking a pic of magneto on hard knockdown
Considering the bonuses for alcholism, it would be plausible to supose that he vomits only some time after he drinks


Frank says: “Got time for an interview…?” when he gets in, after a character on his team is defeated
Frank’s entry animation is diferent on this trailer when compared to his anouncemment trailer, maybe he has more then one entry animation?

You can keep it man! First come first served, I will just help you with keeping it updated if ya want?

Another clip is up: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=RPfeoyUURJY#!

Frank’s roll passes through Thor’s Mighty spark, it probably has ivulnerability. (thankfully) it seems it wont be like Vanila’s Cap. Cartwheel
Frank’s servbot head hyper goes through skrull’s inferno, after XF Guard cancel (moar ivulnerability…?)

do what you want but have 2 characters on one team that both require powering up… gonna be more of a hassle than getting victories but to each there own if you can make it work more power to you

edit: p.s. the OP said he can power up 5 times. I’m pretty sure Seth said 4

FOLLOW ME! I think I’m maining Frank, with some long duration assists to link OTG camera into assists into more camera!

I wonder if it’s possible to level up multiple times in a single combo? Like, call assist, OTG with camera, relaunch, whatever, camera again.

Why isn’t it Nov. 15 yet?! I’ll gladly skip my birthday if it means I can play this game sooner

I have to have the standard objection to powerup mechanics like this, “I suck until I hit you x times, generally by ending a combo with a super-low damage special!”

Drink>vomit is almost certainly a fixed (or semi fixed) time tho’, thats sure the first thing I thought when I saw it.

I believe you get “more” experience depending on what you take a picture of, kinda like the game. A reg pic might be worth X amount of exp however a otg pic or combo pic is worth more.

Frank West looks great. I love the work bench weapons being usable normals and his win animation. I really want to try him out in the training room because he looks fun.

Powerups are kind of annoying, yeah. The best thing I can see coming out of this is using assists to continue combos after a camera otg. Hell, we might get some Modok shit with people leveling up all the way in one combo!

I’ll probably be staying away from the drinking though. It seemed alright, but being stunned is just never worth it to me.

The length of this thread should finally be enough to convince Capcom Japan that Americans are not tooootally obsessed with Frank West. Now all I have to do is sit back, watch, and gloat.

Anyway, the invicibility on the servbot hyper is just amazing.

Seth said you can follow up the camera shot OTG -> hyper, so I don’t see any loss. Only problem is that the timing looks rather strict.

Camera shot OTG -> Assist
or Camera shot OTGxxShopping Cart

On Seth’s breakdown, frank takes several random pictures to level up, even while drunk, while on some of these gameplay vids, he levels up after a single photo after a combo.

MAYBE the ammount of “experience” given by a photo is related to the length of the combo…?

Worth remembering that these videos are usually HEAVILY edited, so they probably just left a lot of intermediate shots out in the clips.

Can’t wait for his ultimate assist me next week so we can get a better idea of how he works, I have quite a few unanswered questions. I hope his zombies can’t hurt him anymore, that always felt like an unnecessary weakness. Also Im hoping he isn’t like complete ass without his lvl’s, characters like this are always really hard to balance.