It's pefectly okay to use a quad moded fightstick at evo and mlg tourneys right?

just want to make sure.

They are allowed at both places

i got a guy on facebook telling me custom built sticks are not allowed and sticks that are quad modded are not allowed for use at mlg and evo i’ve directed him here and he says he dont trust no forums because you guys are not judges or know the rules and i point out to them shoyruken is the official website for evo and the forums know the rules as alot of them work these mods at evo. any where i can go just shut this guy up.

i pointed allt his out to him and he refuses to believe it.

Sounds like you got a guy who doesn’t want to admit he’s wrong. I’ve used dual modded sticks pretty much every year at Evo with no problems or objections. As long as it’s a wired fightstick like most any other, it’s all good.

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