This game is has been out for less than a week, the last thing we need is someone saying so and so is useless don’t use it and stunting the potential growth of a caracter… There are prenty of combos with assist that allow you to use V-ism and it makes unsafe moves safe. Just chill dude.
I forgot to mention. It’s only possible to spam your charge moves faster with wii mote and nunchuk. With a pad and stick, it’s harder to spam sword slashes and not as quickly executed. So it is not as useful on controllers or stick. Only Wiimote, or Wiimote and Nunchuk. I use Morrigan as an assist or sometimes I baroque cancel into another projectile, to make the hitbox like a true wall.
How do you figure it is easier? Yr saying it requires less charge time, or?. . .
Yes, I am saying, there is no charge time necessary for Zero’s Hadangeki (sword slash projectile) with the Wiimote & Nunchuk. There is charge time for all the other controllers though, which sucks, I don’t like charge attacks. It’s easier, it’s more consistent.
i found a zero/roll unblockable (midscreen only)
get the opponent in a ground combo ending in a level 2 charge shot. right as you shoot them, call roll
jump forward and use j.:snkb: for the overhead
if you timed it right, they will get up on roll’s puddle and under your j.:snkb: and take a guaranteed hit
you can continue juggling them for more damage afterwards, obviously
here’s a sample combo that uses this:
:snka: (keep holding :snka: for the charge),:snkb:,:d::snkb:,:snkc:,:r::snkc:,baroque,dash forwards,:snkb:,:d::snkb:,:snkc:,:r::snkc:,release charge, IMMEDIATELY call roll, jump forwards,j.:snkb:, (opponent is now taking a guaranteed hit) :snka:,:snkc:,:df::snkc:,air combo of your choice
So few things I found with Zero when messing with him:
j.214 B can be Tiger Knee’d, giving Zero a very low Instant Air Dash. You can nail a j.A or B afterward, and then a ground combo. It will go over someone who is crouching (at least with Ryu, might not againist others.)
j.214 C can be used for mix-up in air juggles. Examples (after a launch)
j.B, B, JC Forward or Neutral B, j.214 C will land behind them
j.B, B, JC Backward B, j.214 C will land in front of them
Land with a j.A/B/C, then re-combo.
Been out for like 2 weeks. Well, TVC has been out for over a year, just zero for two weeks. I think the thing is, those of us that played TVC competitively before should know that the most important thing in this game is saving meter for burst if your character has low health. Sure v-ism makes his dive safe if you choose to use the unsafe one but you’re going to have to put them in a setup to even get the dive in a mix up within those 7 seconds of v-ism so the application is really limited, especially when you can just go for the C dive which is safe anyway.
I’m not stiffling the growth of the character, just saying that v-ism probably is just something to do if you have a ton of extra meter but since zero has low health and anyone can hit like a truck in this game, you’re better off saving it so you don’t die. In combos, v-ism adds very little, and mid screen at neutral, it adds even less.
Main use I can see for it unless more is discovered is just safely getting zero in from another character’s super.
I’ve been running Zero/Chun-li…but I’m brand new to this game and just SUCK right now.
- :bluu:
Zero does need his bursts. He takes damage like a bitch. However he always has meter to spare as it is so one longer more damaging combo ain’t so bad once in a while. Namco really went all out to nerf V-ism though, B Dive Kick may be safe but it’s uncomoable in V-ism. It has it’s uses like everything does it’s just up to the player to decide if he’s willing to risk one or two bars.
I’ve actually been using Viewtiful Joe and Zero together as a team for some time, and believe it or not, they can work together rather well. And even in the rarest of situations, give Zero an actual use for his Rekkouha. Joes support is damned hard to hit with, but if you do it just at the right time amidst the BnB, you can hit with it, and cancel your combo into the rekkouha, using it’s invincibility frames to avoid the hit and bounce the opponent right up into the rekkouha. Ultimately it’s more of a fun little add on thats ridiculously hard to do and completely unimportant, but I thought I might throw that out there.
Also, I’ve found that Joe and Zeroes aerial partner switches work out really well and are an effective way to keep the changeup game going. Either one can combo a 236P after their djB and continue an air combo pretty comforably where the other left off. If gives Zero some other use for his super bars he’ll be otherwise stocking and gets out a char who can really use them effectively, and even aircombo right back out of them to Zero so he can go about buiilding them up with his combos. I think they have a rather unconventional game insomuch as their regular assists don’t benifit the other like most peoples would, but they have a lot of nice combos as well, albeit rather piss-poor range XD
Got a couple of Zero vids up in this thread if people are curious. Was my first night playing the game vs real people so I was dropping a few combos here and there and I definitely see where I could improve but I think this should show some of the stuff Zero can do and why he’s a fuckin beast:
The last Zero super through the opponent’s mega crash was especially impressive – great read on when he’d try it. Thanks for the vids!
For some reason I didn’t notice this post until today. I’m not at home so I can’t test it yet, But Does it work on full charge? I’m not so comfortable doing BBQ while holding a button,
(especially since I still don’t understand how it works – I know it cancels into a neutral state, but there are nuances with, do I need to hit another attack to combo out?, How early can I go away from the neutral state etc… and Training mode BBQ doesn’t let me test the things I’m unclear about =/)
However, If i don’t have to worry about lv 2, and a full charge works, Then I can just charge the shot like I do normally and try the unblockable…
I’ll definitely test when I get home though, but if you already know that would help a lot too.
edit: Also, Is it really an unblockable if you have to combo into it?
The idea is that Roll’s water hits the floor and not the opponent (puddles have to be blocked low). Then, the opponent stands on the puddle while you do an overhead. Unfortunately, they can techroll once they hit the gorund…meaning this isn’t guaranteed.
Hey, I’m having difficulties with a few things right now.
Firstly, I can’t seem to tiger knee 236B. I’m trying 2369B (on a gamecube cont), but zero usually performs super jump j.B. Does this error indicate that I’m doing something wrong? Does tiger knee normally cancel a super jump or a normal jump?
Secondly, I can’t get the combo 3C 623A xx 5A that Spooty introduced. I can perform the first two moves consecutively, but the 5A doesn’t seem to be able to hit them before they can guard. Advice?
Thirdly, in the combo, j.BB dj.BB lvl3Charge 214A 5A, I am just wondering what the ideal placement/timing is to consistently hit the shot & reach the ground. help?
Are you using the little analog stick on the GC? I find it easier to hit hit the edges of the sides all the way. If it’s the little D-pad I can’t really help you. Ive tried that and it’s horrible to me.
The shoryu recovers pretty fast, so if they are blocking it, you just have to press the 5A a little faster. Press it to fast and nothing comes out. The way I noticed my mistake is that when I would go for my 5A and mess up, I realized since the recovery is fast he already turned around and was in neutral. I looked at the shoryu and tried again and eventually got used to it. Though I don’t use it in my matches because I would rather hold an A charge.
j.BB dj.BB lvl3Charge 214A 5A This works in the corner you can follow up from the shot mid-screen by bbq. I do J.BB slight pause DJ.BB release shot. As for going to the the ground do 214A after you release the shot. It doesn’t have to be done fast just make sure you have done the motion cleanly. When Ive messed up I either did it too fast or messed up the motion. I also noticed I paused a slight bit sometimes. And when you land do 5A.
Well I hope Ive been somewhat helpful.
I don’t know if anyone has said this yet, but, in corner, after landing the LVL 3 Charge Shot, the opponent is in hitstun the entire time he’s falling and, depending on how high you both are prior to the Charge Shot, you can j.B him as you fall before he touches the ground and then relaunch into air combo. I think this would be stronger and much easier than LVL 3 Charge Shot --> 214A --> 5A, relaunch.
A relaunch combo for BOTH my chars? Sweet. Lets get testing people!
Maybe we’ll get more iterations with this one.
It has been said. And, depending on how many hits you have before launch, you can even loop it 2 or 3 times. After that hit-stun scailing makes the combo no longer work. I personally find it harder than 214a, 5a; but it is better.
Coulda sworn I responded to this this morn, but whatev.
j.C > 236b > 9 Release2/3 > j.B is mad easy to land in the corner, but I’ve tried many times to loop this combo 3x but to no avail. Delaying b&b helped just enough so that if I called in an assist I’d have another CS3, but I feel like it was way more effective to launch them at that point and release3 > 215a > 5a to relaunch.
The reason I say it’s less effective is because depending on the height of yr opponent, if yr trying to j.Release3 > j.B they may be too high to 5[A] B afterward, so launching is way safer.
If I can get my normal corner combo recorded w Tekkaman assist I’ll show a things off so ppl can get a visual. Also of how to combo off j.Release2/3 midscreen.