^Thats some broken shit!!!
If your playing someone who always walks back as soon as the fight starts, hit’m with the slide, you can still escape getting hit if he blocks, vs some chars, but I dont know vs all
Some generic things ppl probably know:
Raged K Blanka can guard break really well. Once you getin with frame advantage you can stick out a c.lk and start a patern from there with run and such. A nice way to finish the guard break is through c.mk xx hp ball,
if it hits, then free raged combo
if guard break, then free c.mk xx direct lightning
Works the same as ryu and sagat normal x DP on a flashing guardbar.
Besides actually going for the guard break, which might be hard without leaving holes through which your opponent can get out or counter, actually having a flashing guard bar makes them anxious and will do silly things like jump away or stick moves out they shouldn’t.
A hypothetical example would be raged blanka lowjump hk’s in on someone with half a GB, does two c.lk while charging then steps back a bit then buffers f,b,f and watches for a jump, roll or normal to finish the super input and punish.
Yeah! Blanka Time! MY only hope for many of my matches!
Ok I’m getting into N-Blanka and this is one of the few things that mention running with Blanka. Of course, we’ve all seen BAS and his hopping antics, but I would like to know more about his options with RUN.
What does running low shorts do? With a shoto, the pressure is scary because you can combo into super. Why should I fear running shorts from Blanka? Unless I’m missing something, running low shorts is not a good example of pressure.
One thing I do sometimes is after a knockdown, I’ll run and use the KKK hop to land on a random side to continue my offense. But that’s all I got, really.
I didnt read this thread, so Im not sure if this has been said (if so let me know Ill delete it or whatever).
Anyway here’s my tip (not that I thought of it). When fools (aka good players) start catching on to your hop electricity (post knockdown or well spaced), and throw you, mix it up with just hop fierce electricity (no rc). It sounds stupid, but it definately works. Dont throw it out at random obviously, but if you are at the level where the other dude is looking for your rc’s and he feels them coming, he’s most likely just gonna block, possibly roll through, or try avoid it worst case, so you are generally no less safe than if you had done the RC. If they went for throw, you get a big ole counter hit electricity, plus knockdown, plus you can hop up and do then RC the electricity cuz they are for damn sure not gonna throw you after that. Also you can then mix it up with good shit like well-spaced hop shorts or whatever. Just a little trick for keeping/building/capitalizing off of your momentum.
hop super is what made me play Blanka, it’s so fun.
knockdown, crossup hop, crossup DL is my favorite.
How do I fight Vega?