It's ... Blanka time!

yup, i already said on like the first post that the back hop is very punishable, so one should be careful about using it. There are lots of stuff that you can’t get out of with back hop. fast fireballs, just about ANY super that moves forward, (sagat hot foot super, Rock’s shine knuckle/deadly rave, Ken’s shoryureppa iirc, hikibi’s supers except for black out super, etc).

mind you some of the supers mentioned will do less damage as some will whiff abit before actually hitting you (sagat’s hot foot super for example), so in some cases, its’ still worth it to mash backhop.

I agree with this considering its like free damage with the right setup.

I know Sagat can do jab jab, opponent expects you to keep moving forward for the mixup, so they hop back. Sagat can do dash right after the jab jab, as the opponent dashes, and get a free cr. fierce xx super to punish.

What should blanka do against sagat if he has no meter and sagat is correctly spacing the jumping rh? Also sagat is not spamming it, he is smartly moving forward with it.

As for against Blanka, is there really any reason to attempt to attack the Elec if you are getting shocked on wake up? Even against non-roll grooves fierce elec seems pretty hard to reverse.

After blocking it how often do you guys guess the next move? As I see it Blanka can do a few things

  1. Sweep
  2. RC Hop foward RC Elec
  3. Hop backwards
  4. Do nothing

So upper cut beats the first one, and the second one, but you have to time it differently. A fireball could cause them to block if they do the 3 and possibly 4. Seems the safest plan is to just wait and try and react to the hop forward and uppercut it, but if you fuck up you get zapped. So what do you guys generally do? (I try and psychic out something)

Low jump straight up fierce with blanka can be an annoying poke if used correctly, I’m pretty sure you can link a sweep off of it on counter hit…

Blanka is good. His moves rock, and if Blanka ball knocked down like it does in CVS 1 he would be as the Alpha 3 announcer says UNBEAATTABBLLLEEEEEEE

if sagat isn’t empty jumping, you can slide with blanka.

other moves that blanka can do after a blocked elec:

cr.lp/lk xx hop in either direction -> more mix up.

if the electricity got 6 block hits (ie, the elec was mashed), blanka CAN have charge and can ball/super almost right after it (i believe you need to wait a split second to complete the charge).

also, it is possible to do cross up mk,, st. jab xx fp ball (or super for that matter). I haven’t gotten the exact timing down, nor how it actually works, but it does (as I have done it before in practice mode). It has seems like it has something to do with where you jumped, and how late you do the so it still combos with the mk, and how late you link the

other old news: hop super can be easily done with charge, neutal hop, 720 during the hop, land, f+punch. go forth and impress your friends.

I want someone to do cross up hop super, when someone is waking up. And then learn how to time it so you can do cross up hop super and then recross up with the super. That’d be tight.

that WOULD be tight. Cross up hop super takes abit of practice, but by no means impossible. For those interested, you here’s how you do it:

Charge, neutral hop, HOLD the direction your hopping (ie forward), land, the opposite direction (crossed up forward) + FP.

Once you get that down, i can see that double cross up happening if you can get the charge fast enough.

other hop super tricks:

low jump rh, hop back, hop forward super.
jump in, xx hop super. This one is tougher as it’s hard to get the neutral hop from canceling

My Blanka Tip of day:

C.Strong and even better C.Strong->lvl 3 super for wiff punishing. Punishes everything from it’s near max range…I had a Sagat wiff C.Jab (used to fake C.Fierce’s) 3 times in a row because he was testing it’s ‘luck’ : I punished every one of those jabs.

What do you mean by CAN have charge?

KabukiMono - that Blanka trick is mainly a trait that K-Blankas pick up or SHOULD pick up, not to abuse it but a useful trick to have in your arsenal.

i mean if you charge as soon as you start the electricity. I guess most people hold downback during the electricity anyway…so 90% of the time, you will have charge.

I’m pretty sure the way it works is that you LOSE the charge you had before the electricity, but the game doesn’t prevent you from charging DURING the electricity.

It should be noted that Hop super of any kind most likely shouldn’t be used any longer in tourny…most pro’s won’t fall for it anyways(they’ll block and tech throw after hop). and the situation where you can knockdown and have charge fast enough to do cross up hop into cross up super doesn’t happen very often imo.

I’ve seen it done…

What’s Blanka’s strategy against rolento, and chun li?

vs Rolento:

I keep him in the corner, limit his movement.

vs Chun:

I try to land a few basics crossups xx elec then 50/50 her all day.
Oh and don’t slide

About back hop being punishable, well duh, don’t back hop when you know your opponent will do a LVL3 Maiden Masher or stuff that easily catches him in recovery. And anyway, if you wanna fool characters that can punish back hop, just do RC forward hop and punish them from behind.

thank you for repeating what everyone else has already said again. coming from you really brings it home.

on vs rolento, don’t let him do walk up jabs, you can RC ball through them. He’ll stop doing them and just walk up jab then try to bait out RC ball. Wait for scooter jumps and punish them. No rolento can resist. It’s a generally good match for Blanka. One thing to look out for is don’t whiff electricity from full screen vs C-rolento with full bar…good reaction + trip wire will own it, so be careful. You can RC ball right through knives, so if he does that from afar, you can punish that too.

on vs chun, there isn’t much specifics on the match up to look out for, except for getting out of SBK block traps, and try not do get crossed up. also know that blocked blanka balls can be punished with xx super -> death.

I see why Geese hated everyone here a while ago (back when I lurked)

Lol what? I don’t hate anyone, cause I don’t really care. I don’t even hate noodleman altho he is a major noob.

rolento has a hard time dealing with blankas or pretty much anything air to air from blanka. and works pretty well vs his standing lps.

just my observation as a rolento player.

Walkup jabs are useless if you just mash on something. The only time Rolento’s jabs are good is when they’re used as a setup for a hitconfirmable counter hit combo like CH jab, low forward xx fierce Patriot Circles, and if they’re going for that, then they’re not doing walkup jabs, they’re going for a counter hit. Any tactic like walkup jabs is a weak ass and superficial tactic meant to do nothing but piss off/confuse shitty players that don’t know better. Just like ppl who go for random throws without knowing the matchup or at least first conditioning their opponent to block after a certain move.

Just seemed like everyone was against you a while ago and against you now for no reason at all besides that you gave harsh criticism or something. Meh whatever, just going off what it looked like

Best thing about standing fierce as anti-jd, is you can cancel it into kick super, it’s a fun little trick. Also you can try and do that with a far cr.fp anti-air into regular ball super though generally it’s too fast and you whiff.

And if you are feeling really dirty that day, go ahead and charge db and then cancel standing fierce into the mash super. yay.