It is critical that you pay attention! The Nova combo thread

Wow thats crazy. They still bounce even if you hit them before they touch the ground after a Javelin hits

I’ve been experimenting with that type of combo and I think it might be better than his fly loops. It requires a shorter start but I think it be done to finish with :s:.

So far, I’ve gotten a few off with different starts that break 700k no problem. I wasn’t even aware of some of the extensions I could add on either.

some playing around with dat rocket hyper? I’ve done something around 300k damage with it for some reason, but wasn’t been abel to reproduce it (I think I hit up, down).

Puttin this here too.

Nice work on the vid. Huge fan of the resets.

First of all great video and fuck your execution. Secondly I got a lot of good practical combos from this vid so thank you and lastly that Nova/Spencer snap in reset is fucking godly… Good shit.

Edited to add. No really … fuck your execution.

This vid looks like it’ll be my nova study for some time.

Thanks a lot ^^

Just fiddling with XFC’s.

:l::m::h: :qcb:+:m: XFC :m::h::s: sjc :m::m::h: flight :m::m::h::s: :f:+:h::s: scj :m::m::h: :dp:+:2p:
1.1 MIL mashed /w Lv1 XF, no assists and 1 meter.

Figuring other variants to see how many ways Nova can do a touch of death.

Dope Video FlyingVe !! Shoulda put the Elevator Combo in there too !!

Question: That Javelin Reset ( Back Tech ). Is it a glitch?? A consistent glitch I’d like the say.

Great job on the video FlyingVe! I found some stuff in there that I gotta work on. Back to the lab for me!

As nice as that combo is, hitting the energy javelin on the way up is quite strict. You need to cancel S into Javelin really fast, I only got it once in like 50 attempts. But then my execution sucks.

It took me a while to get it down too, but it’s very stable and very worth learning, it’s the best solo corner combo so far.

Or a bug or something. if it’s caused by game mechanics I don’t understand it. My guess is the game is getting confused by the opponents state, in crumple you are airborne, but without a gournd bounce the javelin staggers… so bug.

In the vid the dummy was actually set to all forward techs.

Quick Combo using all 3 centurion Attacks


My favorite part is when you gave credit to people when I blatantly told you about raw tagging and you even denied that it worked and it had been posted previously in the thread with around half the other combos in that video before the game came out. Now I completely understand that no one owns a particular combo and that it was simply a compilation, but to give credit to specific people and not others just seems a little off.

What? I was talking about a raw tag after a wall bounce. You get the hit, but they bounce to low to combo.

Also, that is 100% my combo, I don’t see why I wouldn’t take credit for it. I didn’t create all the technology. For example Dodeka pointed out that Nova Inferno had hard knockdown. Things like that are the reason I credited the whole of the SRK Nova boards in the beginning, you guys are awesome. For the purposes of a video, I really can’t get into the territory of doing dumb shit like saying that Desk is the first one to do jH Fly loops then the video would be mostly credits. I credited the one because it is something that I did not make whatsoever and lifted wholesale from someone else, but it was too cool and useful to leave out.

just did my first fly/unfly loop online

felt fucking sick tbh even better when it melted his strider out my face

Mad respect for using the MMX-6 music in your vid Ve. (Unrelated post is not spam.)

I’d like to point out my bread and butter does 20k-30k less damage than the H-loop combo (depending on how you hit confirm), and is usable on everyone and is pretty easy. I managed to mash out super to 701k~.

I’m really liking Hulk with Nova for some reason. Gamma wave assist seems to come out faster for more OTG, Anti-range shenanigans. Plus, DHCing easily with Hulk does 1mill+

I wanted to type up a tech transcrip of my video to make sure everyone understands all the technology:

1)The BnB combo, shows it working midscreen
2)A BnB that is screen specific, but takes them to the corner and does slightly better damage.
3)Corner combo, better damage and meter than the BnB
4)Throw combo in the corner. Great damage because you don’t have to OTG
5)Showing Ground Fly/Unfly is possible. Not sure how useful this is, cool though.
6)The Optimum Solo Corner combo.
7)Nova Spencer BFF BnB
8)Showing what’s possible if you hit with the C wall bounce meaty. The meaty hit lets me link the launcher afterward, meaty created with 2 backwards Plink Dashes.
9)Showin that the first 2/3’s of Nova Inferno have Hard Knockdown, and an application. Devil Trigger would work to for example.
10)Double Hyper possible with Drones
11)Combo after Nova Rocket with Javelin
12)Combfiends patented spencer snap mixup
13)Standard Javelin Vortex. Doing it off Centurion C is best becaus the Javelin will hit them as they land rather than in the air… unless they air dash, then it will hit them in the air… :slight_smile:
14)Javelin Tech Glitch… shrug
15)Aegis Reflector Crossup, this is much more useful than it looks, more on it later.
16)Getting Frank to lvl5 on just 3 bars.
17)Xfactor loop, I have improved this slightly since yesterday actually… :slight_smile:
18)Demonstrating the correct timing to combo after a raw tag post crumple. It is actually very specific. Also, that Gravimetric Blaster has a much longer untech window than Nova Inferno, and is better depending on who you DHC into.