We were testing to see if XBox ultra Street Fighter 4 was backwards compatible. And it was sort of.
When I’m playing I noticed I’m on version 1.06 and when my friend was playing he was on version 1.12. and I could ask find anything in the menu for updating version 1.06 to version 1.12. I thought maybe unlocking compatibility packs would bring it up to 1.12
maybe I forgot to download an update because I had that hard drive trouble and bad internet.
Maybe he was playing on an Xbox One while mine is playing on an Xbox 360 and it’s not completely backwards compatible.
I noticed something similar in Contra for Xbox 360 arcade if we were both on an Xbox One the network was too slow. And we couldn’t find each other when he was on a one and I was on the 360.
So we look for 360 for cheap and I guess we could connect but we never tried.
By the way I do have an Xbox one but my internet is so bad, even this new visible is not even legally cellular tetherable broadband in 2020, though it hands down beats my DSL which is my fastest land based connection, and has unlimited internet quantity at speeds faster than the DSL connection