There is nothing to get, well if there is it’s not very deep. The images that CRMK drew were not intended to add to the story of Street Fighter, they were used to promote the game in magazines and the like.
Besides why would akuma need money for ?
Because story is fun
Its like that Rose picture with Bisons hat.
These days everyone says thats a shot showing Bison is in control of Rose’s body and use it as proof of that, however the drawing was drawn for Street Fighter Zero/Alpha (not 2 or 3 - according to SFEternal Japanese edition I have) so other then being a really ‘cute’ picture of Rose with Bisons hat, the most meaning it probably had was to hint that she shared some connection to him - like being the good side of his soul (if that was even decided in SFZ/A - I can’t honestly remember) as capcom hadnt even decided on Bison taking over her body by then.
So you can put meaning on these pictures if you want to, or you can not. Capcom has always left room on how you interpretated there characters, as they probably can’t be bothered giving you the full run down of everyones life, what they did everyday and who they did it with.
I don’t see anything wrong with Akuma selling some food to earn some money though. Every guy gots to eat or pay for washing there clothes - or even buying a bar of soap. Plus if he was only training 24/7 his body would of even up with all the strain by now, dark hadou or not, so hes got to rest some time.
If you wanted to you could note that Cody wasn’t arrested for the SFZ1-2 era cause he is seen behind Guy in a picture - so his arrest must of been recent in Zero/Alpha 3 - or not.
Of course it all depends on how seriously you take everything.
That was the whole point of the fucking question.
I already knew…
I already knew all that shit, and so does everyone else basicly, you didnt need to type it out.
Yes go on, explain the solo character pics to me now.
Oh wait I know why you dont, probaly because you fucking cant do it.
Yeah, Im sure Ryu looked like that when he’s was young, white t-shirt, brown shorts, flip flops. I mean we see Ryu in diffrient clothes all the time right?
I know about Rose and Bison’s history, but you didnt answer the question, you just copped out and dodged it. What is canon about all of the pictures in the series, especialy the solo shots. How would Bengus or Capcom known about Rose and Bison’s story when it wasnt even truly developed till SFA3.
And I forgot there are two other pics in the series,
- Guy and his master
- Sagat, Vega, & Balrog
I actually know the meaning behind the series of pics, and you have yet to come close to it.
The Gen/Chun-Li picture is from a different set of Chun-Li pictures from various stages of her life. Also, I’m not 100% certain it IS in fact Gen.
Why does everyone get so worked up over street fighter story lines or pictures. Yes there are holes in the plot/story but if someone wants to think differently about a pic let them. I’m just glad to get the animated movies, games and comics released in england without having to go to through long winded mail ordering.
I seriously doubt Gouken who Ryu saw as a father figure would send out a young child in a gi, to buy some fruit. I’m sure Gouken looked after Ryu to a decent degree, and I think he definetly would have had some normal clothing, so he could be like other kids.
I think the Gen & Chun Li is part of the set, Id have to look at it again to see if it has the fade around it though.
The pic of Chun Li you’re talking about, where it shows her as a child, teen and adult, obviously isnt part of that set, specialy since it was drawn by Edayan (instead of Bengus) and dost have the circular fade around it either.
But do you think Akuma seriously sells fruit on the side of the road or something?
Found/remembered more pics from the set…
- Sagat & Go Hibiki
- Dan & Retsu
- Rose
Also :
Sagat , Barlog, Bison.
And how do you know that’s Go Hibiki?
Pretty much everyone says that, it’s just putting two and two together, didn’t he actually look a little bit like Dan?
I already listed that pic on the previous page.
Who else would it be? I mean everyone is so stuck on the kid in that pic being Ryu in the pic with Akuma, which reminds me that Ryu’s hair was NEVER short when he was its always been the same up till SF3, there’s sketches of him that Bengus and Akiman did of him when he was young. If anything the boy in that pic looks like Sakura’s son from her MvSF ending.
Anyways that most likely is Go in the pic, although there’s nothing to confirm it, however the pic is kinda a redo of the pic where Sagat is holding “Dan” which really isnt Dan, because Dan never existed when that pic was created.
Or to look at it another way, that picture was probably the creation of Dan.
The kid in the Akuma fruit pic is most likely nobody specific.
Hi sorry to ask this here but I did’nt know where to ask this…
Anyways-- How many streetfighter movies are there? And can you give a list please:)
I think he is right. I don’t know why he got burnt for having this opinion because it makes sense to me. I don’t think Capcom really had this huge sophisticated Street Fighter storyline in mind when a lot of the pictures were drawn. And art isn’t all about hidden meaning… you can draw things just to look cool; doesn’t have to mean or hint anything.
TAS = God of all SF knowledge. Period.
It is funny… according to Capcom, they told me that is her uncle…
Yeah, it is. His name is Shao Efei or somethin like that.
…wow, I heard he wasn’t Gen but… that was just unexpected
Something new to add to the plot guide huh?
Heh, dude, in all honesty, I have about 500 different things I need to add to the plot guide since the last update. shudders