“Same route that exposed went” ? Hahahahah dont make me laugh.
You’re garbage .
I’ll play you first to 10 TONIGHT … 10 pm swedish time. I’ll record the games also to show everyone what a scrub you are.
hmmm this should be interesting…
I’ve beaten that piece of shit so many times b4. He still thinks he can prove something by playing me **first to 10 **… lol hahhaah …
I might just aswell get it overwith to shut the bitch up.
You should do the same. Then we can both pick on him.
This friendship is off to a rocky start…
Sharizord **10 - 2 **ExposedD.
Let’s see if he pulls trough on the recording.
GGs though i really enjoyed it.
Apparently ExposedD does not share my sentiment:
Allow me to translate:
Congratulations you just won 1 million.
Still think you suck.
Anyone can learn to walldive like you do.
How the fuck do you manage against Guile players ?
I** bet you get raped every time.**
Feel free to brag on the forums.
I don’t care.
Last line hard to translate but that’s the meaning of it.
I guess getting your ass beat = friendship :rock:
Lol this is good stuff, but i got something even better
oh yeah ofcourse … My lag has made me kick your ass. Nothing i ever did was any good… I was just lagging !
My bison isn’t that tough? Well ouch , hahaha !
Lag affects chargechars more than shotochars (you knew this didnt u?)
and from what i can remember…the only time you have ever beaten me (out of the countless times we have played) was when you were playing your bison . I guess i couldn’t handle the scrubiness
and since lag is the first thing you mentioned. I’m gonna decline your offer for a first to 10 .
Go prove yourself to someone who hasn’t owned you already blitzfuck
i got better things to do then to waste my time on some scrub .
Go blitz your mom or something.
And … I will stop posting , as soon as you shut up blitzfuck .
Keeping it Classy
no excuses left** blitzfuck**.
Just so all of you guys know.
I sent him 3 messages including 1 game invite.
Message 1: “make a room and invite me. Lets do a first to 10” (no reply)
message 2 : “hurry up blitzfuck ” (no reply)
so i made my own room and sent him a invite… (he dosent join)
message 3 : “should i write on the forums that you chicken out?” (no reply)
he was not idle or anything while recieving these messages.
It seems that he’s the one who dosent want to fight me i guess =)
so there you go everyone.
That’s the story of blitzfuck .
And this is the story of you getting your ass whooped again lol
i’m waiting , hurry up and get on.
On top of that … I’ve sent you 10 invites now. A friendsrequest 2.
Hurry up blitzfuck
Eager are we?
blitzfu beat me 10 games to 9.
Conclusion? I’ll bet you everything that i own (alot) that he has a turbo .
And … He’s definately not an allstar .
Hope you enjoyed the games , ggs .
lol!! Once again OWNED!
September 28, 2010, 11:42pm
that is so cute … i actually pissed a overweight male off by saying “wannabe”.
hey i appreciate the time you have invested in digging all that stuff up.
If that was it however … i demand you get out of your moms basement.
<3 @ you
September 28, 2010, 11:45pm
I would move this trash thread to the Xbox Live forums where it belongs, but since I don’t have mod powers there, I’ll just close it instead.